Managing mobile phone storage requirements for iNaturalist app


I have about 1000 observations, nearly all made and uploaded from my little old iPhone SE. Storing these within the iNaturalist app on my phone is taking over 3 GB, which is a lot given that I only have a total of 16 GB, over half of which is taken up by the OS. If I make another 1000 observations in the next year, I’ll have to choose between getting rid of the iNaturalist app and getting a new phone (and a new clip-on macro lens too).

Has anyone else faced this problem? I’d like to know whether there is an existing way (or hack) to reduce the storage demands of the app (which I understand would necessarily mean that I wouldn’t be able to access all my photos while in “airplane mode”) before I think about submitting this as a feature request.


3 Likes check out that thread. perhaps that helps some


If you logout and log back in to the app, this will clear the app’s cache and reduce the space being used


Thanks very much!

1 Like

Thanks! It worked perfectly, and the app also updates faster now.


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