Monthly Plant Phenology

Hi! I’m wondering if is possible track flowering and fruiting in a same individual… How could I do that? I’m planning do a pheno project with my students and it would be cool use the app for register monthly number of flowers or fruits. Maybe in the comments section for that observation… Help me with ideas


I think you could use the tagging system to give a name to each individual so you could organize the observations in that way. I think tagging needs to be done on the desktop/web version, not sure it is an option on the phone app?

Then of course using the annotation fields to add when there are flowers or fruits (also you can check both if the same plant has both stages at the same time, which I truly did not realize until I had been using annotations for awhile).

You say students, so if they’re kids maybe let them give the plants silly names they come up with. If college/grad, maybe a more boring alphanumeric code like A1, Q17, etc… or honestly, based on my experiences, college students also love giving individual organisms silly names, so maybe that advice still applies :)


One option is to use observation fields to link the observations, e.g. “same specimen over time” or “similar observation set”.

I agree that it is easier to add this sort of info using the web interface, so this might need to be a two-step process (uploading the observation and then someone going thorugh and adding the observation fields). Note that observation fields are somewhat more flexible than tags, because they can be added by anyone, not just the user.

Depending on how many observations you expect to have for each specimen, you could also consider creating a project. Projects are easier to access than observation fields and are better integrated into the search and explore interface.