10 tips for photographing mushrooms - https://www.albertdros.com/post/10-tips-for-photographing-mushrooms-in-the-forest
Photos: https://www.albertdros.com/post/mushrooms-in-their-natural-world
Albert Dros, thank you. You have provided wonderful resources.
I am truly a beginner and went another direction. Using information from these excellent articles in
Fungi Magazine
Summer 2022
Issn: 1941-4943
Volume 15, No. 3
Part 1 of article by Edward Matisoff
Fall 2022
Issn: 1941-4943
Volume 15, No. 4
Part 2 of article by Edward Matisoff
I bought a used Nikon D810 with Nikon AF Zoom Micro Nikkor 79-180mm f4.5-5.6E ED lens, then combined with a plug in CamRanger2 device that takes the “to be stacked” photos that I then complete the stacking with Zyrene software.
It is more equipment than Albert uses, but that is what I knew at the time and I am improving on it each time I use it. Note that this camera and lens are no longer available new, but eBay and camera shops may have them used.
I don’t find the extra equipment to be too much trouble. With CamRanger2, I can use my iPad from a distance to set focus points and view the potential shot on a larger screen before I commit to taking it. This helps me as my eyesight is not the best even using the live view screen on the camera.
I have learned a little since then and may go in another direction if I were starting over (knowing I know now, which is impossible?), but I am continuing to endeavor to persevere.
Just for clarity, I’m not the author of those articles. I came across them and as I like macro photography and have seen a lot of interest here on learning better photographic techniques I posted here so others could enjoy them too.
Fwiw I made photography and macro tags to make those topics more findable.
Cool, thanks
Something I will say, while these are beautiful, artistic pictures, they’re not the most useful for identification.
here’s a good video by Alan Rockefeller discussing mushroom photography and how to get good shots that are both pretty and useful for science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxBWNZU2KX8
The photographic techniques are useful regardless.
Personally, I prefer my photos to be both useful for identification and something to enjoy as art. Often one os overlooked in favor of the other, but there is no need for that to happen as those are not mutually exclusive aspects.
I did acknowledge they’re beautiful and artistic.
I just would hope anyone that uploads photos like this to a place like inat also includes photos that more accurately show defining features
The great thing about fungi is that (generally ) they stay still and in my view that makes them just about the perfect nature photography subject. There’s something totally zen about rolling around in the leaf mould on a forest floor trying to “understand” the mushroom you have in front of you so that you can photograph it the best ways possible. “Ways” plural, because as you’re likely to have time before it flies away or impudently falls to the ground (arthropods are another passion), you can try for that artistic “portfolio” shot and also all the detailed documentative images you’re going to need for an ID. The best possible way to enjoy nature with both heart and head.
Bookmarked for my tea and video-watching afternoon break.
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