Needed images list (wiki) for existing Wikipedia articles

A bit of a question/suggestion for the iNat staff – would it be possible to have an (official?) iNat bot :robot: that comments on users’ observations (i.e. if the species matches a list of target species) to suggest making the image available for contribution through a change of license? Posts like this are great, but unless one’s highly familiar with scientific taxonomy, just posting a list like this isn’t going to connect with a lot of people. Even if I recognize “Quercus” in the list, and think, maybe I have an oak in my observations, it’s a circuitous process. It just won’t connect with a lot of users here.

So far I’ve personally contributed two of my observation photos to Wikipedia & Wikispecies. But that happens through a very different process; I’m curious to know more about the uncommon species that I’ve observed and I turn to Wikipedia & Wikispecies frequently. .