New Rectangle and Circle Drawing Tools for Web Explore Page


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Try zooming in to find your center point.

Rather than creating a place for a project, is it or could it be possible to use the rectangle and circle drawing tools coordinates to be the search parameter in a project?

For instance I want a project for my home and surrounds.


very cool, gracias!



EDIT: to comment further, this is a much better way to select a region of interest compared to the previous “search within box” option.


This is great, certainly useful for having flexibility around selecting areas of interest. One thing I wanted to add here is that it seems these features are much more responsive. Using the new “Redo search in map” button seems, at least to me, to load much more quickly than it previously did.


This is great stuff – very useful. Many thanks to the designers and implementers!

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This is a fantastic feature update that really transforms the “search within box” feature concept into a much more powerful search tool. Thanks!

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This is a great addition, thanks.

This will make defining search areas much easier. Thanks!

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone, we appreciate it. And if anyone has some coding skills and some time, take a look at our GitHub page to see if there’s anythnig you can help out with.

My understanding is that at this point that’s not possible. This basically just provides an easy way to make a circle or rectangle and use existing search parameters that were already there.

Yes, that happened in July of 2021.

FWIW, if you want to export observation data from an arbitrary polygon, you can use GBIF, they have a tool for that.

Not now, but it would be great to eventually allow user-drawn polygons to be used for projects and not require them to to be actual iNat places. That would likely reduce the burden that place creation causes by quite a bit.


Thanks @benkeen
I already used your rectangle to select the area we are likely to comb for our GSB 2022!
Works like a charm!

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I have been waiting for this feature ever since I first started usung “Explore.”


But that’s obviously restricted to those observations shared with GBIF, which omits a substantial part of iNat’s entire data pool.


Use the handle below the circle to pan it around over your exact location.

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Cool - very nice addition.

Could I add a related (to the map but unrelated (not box or circle) request: In the “Places of interest” if you click on a place, it opens Explore with that place in the place filter. I would really appreciate it if:

  • The page could open in a new tab, rather than replacing the current tab.
  • I could optionally select the place, rather than filtered data.

In final parting, I am delighted to see that the size option is now also applicable to the “Nearby Observations” at the bottom of the page on any unobscured observation. That is brilliant! Wonderful! I have been crying or that functionality for years - is it Christmas? Many thanks


That’s good! I can make a circle approximately where I want it and then move it to center it. Thanks.

Fullscreen and Find-your-location dont work though - see:

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You can already do this by creating a place with a polygon.

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Thanks, Dan, I’m aware of that. I’d love to see a polygon tool that doesn’t need any intermediate steps and doesn’t get saved, ie pretty much the way the rectangle and circle works.