Notify everyone in an observation

I’ve been running through the research grade observations for inaccuracies. If it is RG, I like to leave a comment explaining why it’s wrong and tag the ID’ers to hopefully fix it, but it’s a bit of a slog to tag 2 or more people who all long and fun names. Is there a way to quickly notify everyone who has ID’d an observation? Thanks

No, but if you add a comment and iders didn’t “unlisted” it from their notifications your comment will show up in their notifications. I’d say tag them all (who you need) anyway, people tend to not see comments when they recieve many notifications, tagging them produces 2 nots., so it’s more likely they will see it!


Yeah that’s been the strategy. Maybe I’ll put this in as a feature request, it gets a bit annoying when you have to tag 4 or more people, it’d be nice if there was a option to select to tag everyone involved with an observation. On the other hand, I wonder how that could be abused by people who don’t understand the purpose.

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I remember someone proposing an “all” tag for project journals as one that exists in Discord, maybe it could exist for the whole iNaturalist too?

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Yeah, I feel like this would be prone to abuse and with the current setup would generate double-notifications for each post: one for the conflicting ID to subscribed users, one for each user tagged. If it’s a post with a lot of users on it, it could get pretty annoying. I feel like there’s already notification overload.

On a related topic, updates to the notification system are in the pipeline and seem likely to be implemented in the near future. You could make a feature request and see how it goes.


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