Observation filters

Is there a way to filter my observations to only show what someone has dissagreed with?

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The short answer is no.

There is a filter &identifications=most_disagree (matching 0.04% of all observations) but it returns nothing with your observations.

6 of your observations (…that won’t help much) are in the project Pre-Maverick:

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i think the easiest way to get an answer close to what you’re looking for is something like what is described here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/list-of-my-observations-where-others-have-suggested-different-ids/39898/4

because you haven’t made identifications on other people’s observations and because you have an identification on every one of your observations, you can also sort of use the answer described here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-can-i-find-ids-that-disagree-with-mine/25917/11.

generally, this is a version of a more correct (but harder to do) process to get to an answer: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/previous-disagreeing-id-erroneously-overturned/18183/23.

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