How to search for observations where identifier disagrees with me?

I would like to search for my observations where the identifier disagrees with my identification. This is where I learn the most from iNaturalist-- when someone points out to me where I am wrong!

I think this should be accomplished using 3 criteria: &user_id=(my user identifier), &quality_grade=needs_id, and &reviewed=true. I cannot formulate a successful search with these criteria, however, and I don’t see how to perform this search. Here is what I’ve tried.

An observations? query with &reviewed=true lists all my observations, regardless of review status.
The parameter &quality grade needs_id works fine in an observation? query.

An identify? query with &review=true works for my user_id.

An identify? query with &quality_grade=needs_id does not yield any results when I’ve also set the parameter &user_id=(my user identifier), e.g.
I think this is to prevent the user with being presented with their own observations when they are identifying.

In summary I find that I cannot do this search because:
&reviewed=true doesn’t work in the observations? query
&quality_grade=needs_id doesn’t work in an identify? query.

Can anyone suggest an alternate approach? I am tired of scrolling through my observations to search for identifications that merit special attention.

I see from another thread that “&reviewed=true” is evidently set to true when the original observer has supplied an identification. This explains why all my observations have this value-- I always supply an identification. I am in need a field that indicates that there is an identification by someone other than the person who posted the observation.

Doesn’t seem to be a clear answer to this, but these threads from a few years may help:

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Your may search for your conflicting identifications (including those on your own observations) using

Add &for=self to see only those on your own observations and &for=others to see identifications made for others.

the reason there isn’t a clear answer is because there are many possible definitions and workflows for one user disagreeing with another user’s identifications.

without a more precise definition of exactly what constitutes a disagreement, it’s easiest for now to just point the original poster to, and let him scan through the results to see what kinds of things he cares about.

the page shows observations created by a particular user, but changing the user_id parameter to ident_user_id will show observations where the user has added an identification.

the column for user ID taxon category will tell you how the taxon of the user’s ID compares to the observation taxon. any value here other than “obs” means that the user’s ID is different from the observation taxon, indicating a potential disagreement. and even when the value is “obs”, a non-zero count in either ID taxa @ other or @ descendant – or, in rare cases, even @ ancestor – could also indicate potential disagreements.

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The maverick link which iNat offers us tells you when CID has reached RG, and you are the one who disagrees.

But since the more interesting obs are where 2 agree, but your disagreement is holding back CID, we made the Pre-Maverick project. Including the obs which have been resolved and removed from the project approx one million obs. Which you can then use as a filter. Either for your own obs, or with taxon and / or location of your choice. The disagreement may be a proud Maverick where the ‘wrong’ one is actually right.

Thanks for these helpful threads, which I did not find in my search of the iNaturalist forum. These are worthy of study.

Searching with category=maverick is exactly what I needed (about 25 of my 8,000+ observations). I see that I can also search &project_id=premaverick, but this yields few observations (just 9 of my 8,000+ observations). These are very helpful tools, it is directly me to exactly the information I wanted. I am a bit surprised by the small number of maverick and pre-maverick observations identified in this way. I am not confident that the number of identification errors I’ve made is this few!

The github search provided by jmillsand is awesome. How would I qualify the search to look at the rows that meet two criteria: obs taxon=community taxon is false, and IDCount > 1? I had no idea about using github to access iNaturalist observations. Do you have any suggestions on how to get started with searches using this method? I’ve found the documentation in the links:!/Observations/get_observations and
But don’t find either helpful. I am modestly capable user: I write SQL scripts and have programmed in other languages.


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