Platform: Android
App version number: 1.30.15 (608)
URLs: (just as an example)
Screenshots of what you are seeing:
After loading (~1s)
Instructions to reproduce: Simply tap on any given observation on this version.
Description of problem: On this mobile version (or perhaps all; unsure) the observation location preview is very zoomed in.
The first instant an observation is opened, it starts out at as a default map view with an okay zoom level of 1km wide. A little narrow, but possible to judge where it is.
Immediately, the loading spinner appears, and after less than a second it zooms so that the “accuracy bubble” is the height of the preview window, removing any locational context for the observation and regressing the preview window to a resource- and data-intensive “tap to view location on map” button, except for observations with extremely large accuracy bubbles or obscured locations. (For comparison, the desktop/web version has a width of ~43km, and uses satellite imagery as default)
I’m guessing this is a bug as it starts out at an OK if narrow zoom, only to jump to a tiny level once something loads. But if it isn’t, and this is intended, I’ll make a feature request post instead.