Observation times incorrect

Platform Android, Website

App version number: I can’t find it

Browser: Chrome

Screenshots of what you are seeing

Frog observed at 1:30 PM

Timestamp changed

Timestamp still incorrect

Timestamp changed again

Timestamp now correct

Description of problem: Timestamps for all of my observations are 3-4+ hours behind when they where actually made. This mistake has to be fixed multiple times for each observation, sometimes up to 3 times. Fixing this issue is a very tedious process.

Maybe you need to adjust your time-zone settings?

Was the observation made on the mobile app or are you just trying to edit there? We’d probably need to see the observation creation process. Also, app version is important.

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This observation was posted on the website via my computer and edited on the mobile app. But the problem occurs on both the mobile app and the website.

Do you take your pictures on a camera which has an internal clock? Does the same issue happen if you try uploading photos taken from a different device (or a random test photo from the internet)?

Looking at the photo’s metadata, it looks like the camera’s time zone was set to -7:00 UTC, so that’s probably why the original time was off. Did you forget to change the time on your camera when on a trip? That can happen sometimes, I’ve done it on some of my trips and it’s a pain in the butt. For future reference, in the web uploader there’s a timezone offset feature you can apply when uploading.

As to the time editing issues in the app, after doing some testing it looks like a bug. The app is applying your current time zone to the time, which is messing things up. For example, when you edit the observation, I think you’ll see “PDT” next to the time.

Made an issue here: https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistAndroid/issues/1350

I recommend fixing the times on the website, not in the mobile app, for now.