Observations not being shared with GBIF (licenses has been updated for months)

My primary purpose for using iNaturalist is to support the scientific community; yet, it took me years to realize my observations were restricted due to licensing. I’m also involved in–and volunteer lead–citizen science projects that use iNat. I teach folks about the importance of license settings; yet, I myself am struggling with them. I want to 1) provide accurate info to folks; and, 2) make sure my observations are supporting the scientific community as much as they can.

Several months ago I updated my licensing settings to be far more expansive specifically to share photos and observation data with GBIF, Global Biotic Interactions, and Wikimedia; yet, from what I can tell none of my old and new observations are being added to GBIF or other datasets. (I’m not sure how to check Wikimedia or Global Biotic Interactions, but would like to know.) I have not updated my audio licensing–I also haven’t used audio in my observations.

Here’s an October record well after I changed my licensing (screenshots below): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/244910794

Screenshot 2024-11-07 123249

Am I looking in the wrong places or doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for your help!

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Check this Forum topic re: GBIF and GloBl

Try clicking on either Species or Observations for GBIF. I just checked both sites for your observations and they seem up-to-date.
Submitted:Sep 2, 2024 · 6:47 PM CDT for GBIF

I found that GLoBI results can be only checked by using Species and not Observations.

I checked my results on GBIF and the last photo collected was from Sept. 10. 2024.


Thank you! It’s (almost) always “user error!”

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