I recently noticed that one of my observations was featured on GloBl. Is there a way to search for others (my own OBs) that have also been picked up by outside sites?
generally, research grade observations with an observation license of CC0, CC BY, or CC BY-NC will get pushed over to GBIF every so often, and similarly, any of those observations with an observation field that specifies some sort of interaction with another taxon will get pulled into GloBI eventually.
it’s possible to find which observations have made it to those data aggregators, but regular folks don’t have a super efficient process to find these. that said, you could also just look for appropriately licensed research grade observations with particular observation fields, and if they’re not already over in GloBI, you can still assume that they will eventually get over there.
Your observations in GloBl: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&verifiable=any&user_id=8083783&outlink_source=GloBI
Your observations in GBIF: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&verifiable=any&user_id=8083783&outlink_source=GBIF
yay. another undocumented filter parameter.
I tried searching for it and found one brief mention of it’s existence on github but no explanation. I got the filter parameter because I remembered the yearly review stat page for a user has a link to observations from that year that external partners have used under the broader impacts category, then I just removed the year parameter from the url.
I tried finding if there were any other values that worked beside the two linked above but I couldn’t find any. I probed chatgpt just because and it spat out some parameters that did not function.
Can you edit so this parameter displayed on this page?
just based on when it was committed (https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistAPI/commit/181eb83d86f6083e2131497dd8726132677033a4), i think it’s fair to assume they added the parameter specifically for the year in review link, as you described.
there are others – CalFlora, Atlas of Living Australia, etc…
some of these are listed here: https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/blob/main/app/views/shared/_outlink_sites_js.html.haml, but then there are others llike the Maryland Biodiversity Project that aren’t listed there. so i’m not sure if there’s a complete list anywhere in GitHub.
i think a site curator should be able to update that page, but then there’s also https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki-part-1-of-2/63, and really, the place where it really should be documented is https://api.inaturalist.org.
right now, you’d have to dig into GitHub to find it in some version of a parameter list: https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistAPI/blob/main/openapi/schema/request/observations_search.js or https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistAPI/blob/main/lib/models/observation_query_builder.js.
Thank you so much!
Interesting - I didn’t know there were particular observation fields that will result in sharing observations with other sites outside iNat. Is there a list somewhere to see what those fields are?
(I changed the title a bit to make the question a bit more clear)
There will be a note on your observation stating that it was used by GBIF or other source.
I’ve used the link provided by @dgwdoesthings to compare the number of my observations that are used by GBIF with the number of research grade observations that I’ve got on iNaturalist, but even when setting a date limit a couple of months back (to allow for delays in data exchange), there is still a considerable difference.
Until now, it was my understanding that all of the research grade observations was exported to GBIF, but it seems that this isn’t the case. On the other hand, when I checked a couple of the observations that doesn’t turn up using the link that supposedly shows my observations on GBIF, I found one that actually is listed by GBIF.
My observations on GBIF: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2014-11-01&d2=2024-07-31&outlink_source=GBIF&user_id=kristianoevrum
My RG observations: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2014-11-01&d2=2024-07-31&quality_grade=research&user_id=kristianoevrum
(date limit set at 31. of July)
As an example, this observation doesn’t show up when using the GBIF-link, but has RG status and is listed by GBIF.
(not sure if the above makes sense, but I thought it could be worth mentioning anyway)
i believe there’s going to be a lag between the time an observation becomes eligible for inclusion in GBIF and the time it gets pulled into GBIF, plus another lag between when the creation of the occurrence record in GBIF and the linking of the iNat observation to the GBIF occurrence.
your example observation became eligible for GBIF a little over a month ago. so i would just wait a little longer for the link to be created.
for those wanting to see their own occurrence records in GBIF, see: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/gbif-connection-to-inaturalist/16822/3.
Thanks, but we lost the gist of how to “search” for, hence the question below.
Thanks! My original question was how to search for, not how to see. It was edited.
You’re welcome to edit it if you want. Click on the pencil icon by the title.
Added a section, if anyone wants to help edit it feel free to do so if you can or ping/message me https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/search+urls#outlink
- [&outlink_source=Atlas%20of%20Living%20Australia](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=Atlas%20of%20Living%20Australia) = observations shared to Atlas of Living Australia
- [&outlink_source=Calflora](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=Calflora) = observations shared to Calflora
- [&outlink_source=EDDMapS](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=EDDMapS) = observations shared to EDDMapS
- [&outlink_source=GBIF](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=GBIF) = observations shared to GBIF
- [&outlink_source=GloBI](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=GloBI) = observations shared to GloBI
- [&outlink_source=Maryland%20Biodiversity%20Project](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?outlink_source=Maryland%20Biodiversity%20Project) = observations shared to Maryland Biodiversity Project
- &outlink_source=Atlas%20of%20Living%20Australia = observations shared to Atlas of Living Australia
- &outlink_source=Calflora = observations shared to Calflora
- &outlink_source=EDDMapS = observations shared to EDDMapS
- &outlink_source=GBIF = observations shared to GBIF
- &outlink_source=GloBI = observations shared to GloBI
- &outlink_source=Maryland%20Biodiversity%20Project = observations shared to Maryland Biodiversity Project
This is a great link to have. I tend to be working on a few pollinator projects and try to add associated plant fields with pollinator observation where I can do add depth to those observations. I had see the GloBl icon on my observation pages before but only now realized what they were doing.
My question here is:
So that I can find (for instance) bee observations that I have yet to fill an associated plant field, is there an &“without”_outlink_source=GloBl parameter?
I tend to use different fields depending on different projects associated with the observation so this would be a catch all search.