Observations not showing up in the "Explore" or "Place" pages

I’m working with an amateur naturalist group to develop an inventory of species seen in a town-owned wetland, for the town Conservation Board. I’m having a lot of problems using iNat for this.

There is a Place set up for the wetland, so I went there first. Another group member visited the site recently: only half of her observations made it into the Place.

I know about the problem with boundaries vs. diameter of sightings, so I then went to the Explore page, zoomed in to show the wetland, and selected “Redo Search in Map.”

The map showed an observation I made of a leafminer, but not the observation of the plant the leafminer was in.

Several other observations of mine also do not show up. It doesn’t matter how far out I zoom.

I am using a MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6. The browser is Firefox version 103.0.2.

The map only shows a single pin even if there are multiple observations, see feature request here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/indicate-overlapping-observations-for-map-pins/18406

Both observations are on the map, but if you click the pin, you’ll only get the leafminer. You can still see the plant in the list on the right, and if you hover over it, the bubble will show up by the pin.

Can you link any specific observations that you think should be there but aren’t? In your screen shot, the Eutrochium has too large a radius, and the Scorzoneroides was placed over at Knox Town Hall, not the wetland.