I’m working with an amateur naturalist group to develop an inventory of species seen in a town-owned wetland, for the town Conservation Board. I’m having a lot of problems using iNat for this.
There is a Place set up for the wetland, so I went there first. Another group member visited the site recently: only half of her observations made it into the Place.
I know about the problem with boundaries vs. diameter of sightings, so I then went to the Explore page, zoomed in to show the wetland, and selected “Redo Search in Map.”
The map showed an observation I made of a leafminer, but not the observation of the plant the leafminer was in.
Several other observations of mine also do not show up. It doesn’t matter how far out I zoom.
I am using a MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6. The browser is Firefox version 103.0.2.