Odd CV behavior when uploading photo

Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Firefox

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/upload

Screenshots of what you are seeing :

Description of problem:

In order to replicate this, you may need a copy of the image I was uploading:

This may not be a bug per se, it may be an artifact of taxonomic shenanigans. When uploading this image, the first suggestion under “Our Top Suggestions” is Limonia annulata, a species with no taxon image, only 4 observations… not what should meet CV suggestion criteria. I noticed that Bugguide has Limonia annulata listed under subgenus Discobola. iNat does have a listing for Discobola annulata. CV should be pointing to D. annulata I think?

I tried this upload over a couple of days to make sure it wasn’t a transient behavior, but it appeared with each attempt.

Ultimately I decided to submit this as a bug given that it seems to be errant CV behavior. But apologies if I should have treated it as a taxonomic issue!

This flag for Discobola annulata may shed some light on the issue: https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/500736

I suspect it is a case where many observations were either swapped or manually re-ID’d. It is possible that the CV training hasn’t yet caught up. I don’t know how recent any of this is; it is also conceiveable that something went wrong with the information supplied for the CV training so that a no-longer-eligible taxon was not removed from the model promptly.


Yeah, L. annulata was entirely manually re-ID’d to D. annulata for the reasons discussed in the above link over the last month or two. That means that CV hasn’t had time to catch up (i.e. removing L. annulata and adding D. annulata in its place.) It’ll probably happen in the next update.

It was done this way beacuse Limonia annulata is still a valid species, but it was described 200 years after Discobola annulata and (apparently) looks fairly different. That means we can’t just invalidate L. annulata. The confusion is caused by Discobola sometimes being considered a subgenus of Limonia annulata, and if it is, then we end up with two species with the same epithet.


Yes, I believe that some other similar bug reports have been made. Once the next CV version is released, this should address the issue.

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Thanks, everyone! It’s an interesting peek into both CV and taxonomic changes; the inner workings of both are way above my pay grade. ;-)