Optimize the user interface for annotating

Thanks for following up. Here’s a screen shot of the GUI I’m referring to:

To be honest, I haven’t used the keyboard shortcuts since I didn’t know they existed (until just now). I must have missed something along the way.

I’ll try the keyboard shortcuts but that’s a completely different interface. It may turn out to be more efficient than the GUI but that’s because the GUI is suboptimal. FWIW, this feature request is for the GUI, not the keyboard shortcuts.

I’ve figured out a way to reduce user actions to one click per observation, which is just about as efficient as you can get. In general terms, it boils down to the following modifications:

  1. Lose the select menu, which is inefficient.
  2. Implement a new feature that auto-advances the frame.

I don’t mean to imply that this is trivial but that’s it at a high level. Hope that makes sense.

