Place used in project but projects tab missing on the place

Platform: website

Browser: n/a


Description of problem:
I wish to delete this place as it is a duplicate (received a direct message from the user). When I go into edit mode and press delete, I receive a message saying ‘Couldn’t delete place: there are people using this place in their projects’ . However the ‘projects’ tab is missing from the place so it is impossible to tell if this is actually true, or identify the project and ask the user to update their project to the correct place so this can be deleted.

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Only traditional projects trigger a Projects tab for a place, I’ve made an issue for collection projects to do so as well here:

Here’s a project using the terra ceia preserve:

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A couple of years ago I was able to merge duplicate places that had projects attached. All of the projects got transferred to the final place. Not sure if that still works the same any more.

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OK, collection projects should show up in a place’s projects tab now.

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