Plant and Fungal viruses to be aware of in Nature

After finishing my Virology course, I am wondering how can I use this information in iNaturalist (besides for combating misinformation). Obviously, more evidence would be needed to identify a virus besides a lesion or mottles on a plant. Until portable and pocket-sized electron microscopes are invented, surface observations will have to suffice. The Virology course really did not go over viruses that infect plants, fungi, bacteria, or archaea that much; the professor simply ran out of time. It mostly covered viruses that infected higher, vertebrate Eukaryotes like humans. What are some notable plant/fungal viruses that I should look out for when I start going outside again?

Around where do you live, and what are some of your favourite plant/fungal species?

I live in the Texas ā€œTriangleā€, and I am not really sure what are my favorite plants/fungiā€¦

This is not perhaps relevant to your question.

:) Your title just made me smile as I had just started to read this article - it seems that plants and fungi are aware of each other.

The Social Life of Forests

Trees appear to communicate and cooperate through subterranean networks of fungi. What are they sharing with one another?

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Do a search in your state, or in the USA for virus organisms. Some people are pretty faithful in suggesting the obvious ones. That is a good start. Then look at the top identifiersā€™ profiles to see if they explain their interest in viruses, perhaps send them messages. Good luck!

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Start by looking for evidence of viral infections already posted and that will lead you to looking/recognizing others.

I hate to call anyone out by name, but if you search for who identifies viruses on iNat, you can also look at their observations for ideas.


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