Please Help: Managing deadly toxic mushrooms in backyard and dogs

Hi All,

I am a new user. I was after any helpful advice from anyone who has had to manage deadly mushrooms in their garden. I have a lawn area that has confirmed Pholiotina rugosa and a suspect Concybe sp amongst others. The front yard has A.muscaria and a Cortinarius sp which looks a bit sinister.

Since identifying the P.rugosa I’ve kept my dogs away from the grass because I have a low risk tolerance for these things. Especially because in Melbourne, Australia we have periods of rain even in summer, so it’s a bit unpredictable.

Management - Not sure what works. When I find any known toxic mushrooms I tend to dig them out, pour boiling water around the area and back-fill with washed sand to reduce nutrients in that spot. I also aerate the soil when it’s wet.

My quests are: (i) is there anything else I can do to keep the mushrooms at bay and (ii) how do others manage this situation? Do you keep the area off limits or just check regularly for growth after rains?

I really don’t want to lose a dog(s) to a deadly mushroom. My OCD-tendencies and risk aversion have led me to close-off the lawn (which, ironically, I actually laid for the dogs!). It’s a real imdediment and people have said let you dogs be dogs and hope for the best - just seems careless to me. I’d value any advice, especially those who are in a similar situation.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wild Mushroom Safety