Possible CRS error with Observation placements

Error details:
Am using Firefox now but I’ve noticed it on Chrome as well

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Its been bugging me for a while now, first noticed it when I was on Chrome and still noticing now that I’ve switched to Firefox. In the screenshot, the lower right observations are seemingly not where I first placed them. The lowest one is of a Restio, which should naturally be on a moist spot ontop of the mountain but here it is shown to be on the forested slopes (?!) The one just above it is a Forest tree species which should be somewhere between the rockface and kloof forest (see orange lines for where obs should be), yet here it is shown to be out in the open on the grassland. It’s important to note that I have not altered the locations of these obs myself in any way

Just want to know if this is possibly an issue with iNat’s CRS system for some or all of the observations on the site? The other obs of mine in the top left look ok although a few also look a bit off


i doubt there’s a bug here.

if it were a CRS thing, your observations at this level should all be shifted consistently, which does not seem to be the case based on your orange markings. i think this would be more related to the accuracy of the basemaps and how you placed the observations originally. the basemaps are not necessarily very accurate, and in particular, there used to be a tilted aerial imagery basemap which could be displayed at very high zoom levels that could be very skewed. so if you placed your markers based on those aerial images, then i think that more likely why your observations might look like they are in the wrong place when viewed over this overhead satellite basemap (which itself might also be off).

for others who are interested in looking at this this, these are the two observations noted above:

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Thanks @pisum
Its not a real biggy for me in any event, but just out of curiosity, does iNat ocassionally change its basemaps or versions thereof?


the mapping framework used by the website is provided by Google. so it’s probably Google who determine how often they change the maps and imagery and also when they add or remove functionality like those tilted aerial maps.

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