Possible for staff to rerun the automated creation of taxon framework relationships for plants?

I know it has been run before.

As I write this there are:
54,751 dicot taxa with no TFR defined
11,475 monocot taxa with no TFR defined

Many of these are legitimate taxa which have alignment to POWO which have been created since the last run of the automated creation.

Cleaning these out would allow curators to at least more focus on the taxa records that do not align to POWO.


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Just as an update, it looks like this was done unannounced by staff in the last week or so. There are far fewer remaining plant records with no TFR, and the ones there still appear to be actual candidates for review (or very recently added since the update was done).

Bravo to the staff.


I know @loarie has been pretty busy with TFRs and taxon flags recently, but I don’t know that any of this has been automated.