Presentation mode as a full-screen slideshow of observation images

not sure if @petermarting ever got around to developing something to display a slideshow of observation images. so i went ahead and made a very basic page to do this.


it’s not super elegant code, and i haven’t really tested this very thoroughly, but i thought i’d go ahead and put it out there in case anyone is interested in it. i may make fixes and add features later, as time permits. if anyone has suggestions, feel free to suggest away, or expand upon the code, if you like.

one feature i’d like to add later is something to handle this case:


i haven’t built in any functionality to randomize observations, but the API does offer an undocumented order_by=random parameter that could be used to randomize, although your requests get cached. so the random sets returned will actually change only after some period (15 minutes?) or after you change some other parameters in your query.

UPDATE: one more thought… i suspect part of the reason iNat staff may not have put a lot of effort into making a feature like this is that something like what i’ve made here could effectively download a lot of data. i’ve limited my page here to return a maximum of 1000 observations, but if you assume that each “original” sized photo is roughly 2MB, then displaying 1000 photos would require downloading around 2GB of data. although the system is free to use, someone still ends up paying for all the infrastructure to support all of this. so i guess just keep that in mind if you do use this slideshow thing.

for reference, the API developer recommended practices doc says:

Downloading over 5 GB of media per hour or 24 GB of media per day may result in a permanent block