We would like to set up some projects to keep track of taxa observed on forays/walks, but we want to ensure that the exact locations of our forays are not visible to the public. Is there a way to ensure that only observations with obscured or private geoprivacy can be added to a project?
If it’s just you adding observations, and you are making sure you are marking the geoprivacy as obscured/private, you could use a Collection project. But if you are relying on other people to remember to adjust their geoprivacy, the only way to ensure a project only includes obscured/private observations if if you manually add them to a Traditional Project.
i would like to have this for the traditional project i use to track observations at my house because i obscure those and every once in a while i forget. not a big deal though in that case. But i think it could be a good feature (or conversely projects that don’t accept obscured observations)
We (the Mycological Society of Toronto) want our members to be able to contribute observations to projects without revealing the locations where we’ve gone on walks/forays together.