When trying to identify “unkowns” I keep seeing photos of cars, people, dogs and cats on couches, potted plants, and other things that are obviously not wildlife.
Seems like a waste of identifiers time and iNat server storage/bandwith, should these photos be flagged?
Cars and people are Homo sapiens, which defaults to Casual and that takes it out of Needs ID.
Cats, dogs, potted plants you can ID or just Mark as Reviewed - as you prefer. You can Casual if it is obvious that the animals are pets, not feral.
It is for you to decide, if you are on that obs anyway, and the ID is obvious to you - it is just as quick to add the ID while you are There. Or if you have an unappealing batch mark that page as Reviewed, and pull up a more interesting one.
You could also leave sorting Unknowns to someone else, and rather tackle the very broad Taxa in Needs ID (then the very worst of the Unknowns should be out already)
iNat seems not too concerned about storing ‘junk’. More focused on encouraging newbies, then teaching them to iNat better in future.
You’ll see me posting more varied observations during spring, summer, and fall. Birds just happen to be relativity easy when there are no leaves on the trees.
I joined a box turtle survey team last July, so the long lens will be changed to a short one this spring. I had 125 box turtle obs in 10 weeks, about 100 of those were new observations.
Most of the older ones, it’s more like, “It’s an Egg!” or “It’s a Nest!” or “It’s a landscape where there are allegedly birds!” Still, I can at the very least get the occasional one from “bird” to “perching bird” – because come on, someone needs to go through and do the gimmes.