Does it mean the top identifiers of something as a taxon on which it is listed [community taxon] as (e. g. top IDer of a species 50 obs where it is listed as the community taxon) Or does it mean the people who identify something as such the most (whether in obs where the community taxon is that taxon or not)?
If an identifier has added an ID to an observation, they get a “point” for the community taxon and all higher taxa.
For example, if I add an ID of New World Sparrows (Family Passerellidae) and the observation is later IDed by others to Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca), I still get a “point” for Fox Sparrow and all higher taxa even though I did not ID to the lowest possible taxon.
It is quantity, not quality. They have the most IDs, but you have to learn to judge who is / are the taxon specialists.
If you’re interested in type of IDs, one can look at identifier stats using this link (just change my name for yours). Then click on the link labelled “By category” in the row labelled “IDs (for others)”. It will show a count and percentage of the type of IDs that identifier has made.
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