Random encounters resulting cool observations

Have you ever randomly saw a cool lifer without iNatting being your primary purpose and it ended up a cool observation? Which ones are your favorites?
Mines are this Egyptian bird grasshopper and this Transcaucasian giant mantis, found by accident, the grasshopper when going to the beach and the mantis during a walk with a friend.


Mine is a few green imperial pigeons I saw while drinking tea outside in the courtyard (don’t question it- It’s the only way I can stay up late looking for owls). Second is a mole crab I found while on the beach with my family.


Saw this leucistic Anna’s Hummingbird while walking dogs with our relatives. But I did have my camera with me so I was definitely hoping to find something cool.


I’m maybe just really bad at it but all my observations are random. I just go about my day and try to take a picture when I encounter something that catch my eye. I know I should/could be more organise lol


You’re fine! I go out and see whatever shows itself to me. It’s mostly random, and as close to daily as I can manage.

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I was mowing the lawn once and came across this pair of Nordmann’s orbweavers.
I wasn’t expecting it at all, and it was the first Nordmann’s orbweavers I’d seen in a while.

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