Remontée des observations

Bonjour à tous, comment puis je être certain que mes observations ont été vues et prises en compte par la communauté.
Merci pour la réponse
Jean Paul

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Hi, welcome to the forum and to iNaturalist!

Every observation which has been uploaded is visible to the public. A few tips to get a faster response:

  1. Add a starting identification. e.g, if you upload a bird but don’t know what species it is, suggest the identification “birds” or ''Aves" (or the French equivalent; many species have common names in other languages in the database).
  2. Patience. Depending on what you upload, it might take shorter or longer to get a response due to the balance of identifiers and observers. And some species are much more difficult, requiring a specialist to come along. Since all identifiers are volunteers, there is no guarantee how long it will take.
  3. Provide as much information as you can. That means multiple, in-focus photos. Information on habitat, eg host plant for fungi, or other details, can help a lot.
  4. Try helping others! If local people know who you are, they might choose to follow you and will get notifications when you upload.

You will get a notification when someone adds an ID to your content.


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