Search for multiple areas + multiple taxa | gone slightly wrong

I’m using inaturalist to share my European and Japanese records mostly to increase and train my knowledge of Japanese wildlife. I found that ID’-ing other people’s records is a great way to train yourself too.
I’ve been testing the multiple areas-search and my standard query upto now was insect+birds in 4 countries. But then I thought it wise to further zoom in and concentrate on the taxa that i know something about: birds, butterflies and moths and dragonflies.

I came up with an url that should filter those in for Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea and Taiwan (covering my home country, Japan and its closer - and smallest -neighbours),7887,7506,6737&subview=grid&iconic_taxon_ids=3,47157,47792

3 = birds
47792 = dragonflies and damselflies
47157= butterflies and moths

I did something wrong because plants are also included in the results of that query.

Do you happen to know what I did wrong here?

hope to hear from you


Replace iconic_taxon_ids with taxon_ids!,7887,7506,6737&subview=grid&taxon_ids=3,47157,47792 :)


thanks Jay, i’ve been looking at that label ‘iconic’ but didn’t think it would include plants automatically…
Of course it’s just a small error in my string… Thanks again


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No problem. :) “Iconic taxa” means the big groups you can choose by clicking the pictures (icons!) - like birds, fungi, etc. There are only twelve of those, so I guess giving bigger numbers in the list just confuses the system and it loops around and settles on plants.

I thought i might add to that, but no… (i thought maybe 4 was plants (as 3 is birds) but 4 is a bird-subgroup…
thanks for that too

have a good rest of this weekend

If you use the Filters on, and select some iconic taxa (=“Categories”), you will see in the resulting URL that the parameter used is &iconic_taxa= and it only accepts one or more of the following text labels:


So to search for the iconic taxa Birds and Insects you would include in your URL
&iconic_taxa=Aves,Insecta - or just select them in the Filter.

Because you included a URL parameter that was not recognized in this context, the system just ignored it and returned all the observations from the listed places, which added mostly plants, apparently.

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Ok, that’s a sound explanation. Jay’s link works a treat, I will use that from now on when I am a bit more adventurous than normal (usually i check mainly dutch and japanese records.

cheers all,

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