A hybrid species is indicated with a “x” between the two species it is crossed with:
e.g. Equus asinus × quagga
Is there a way to do a search for all hybrids to make up a list or project?
A list of all hybrids entered in the database, or a list of all hybrids which have observation records?
It looks like if all you want is a list of hybrids in the database, this is possible through the API (but not, that I can tell, by searching taxa on the web), e.g. for Quagga hybrids, https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/taxa?rank=hybrid&taxon_id=43329
returns this:
{“total_results”:2,“page”:1,“per_page”:30,“results”:[{“observations_count”:69,“taxon_schemes_count”:0,“ancestry”:“48460/1/2/355675/40151/848317/848320/848324/43327/43328/43329”,“is_active”:true,“flag_counts”:{“unresolved”:0,“resolved”:1},“wikipedia_url”:“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mule",“current_synonymous_taxon_ids”:null,“iconic_taxon_id”:40151,“rank_level”:10,“taxon_changes_count”:1,“atlas_id”:null,“complete_species_count”:null,“parent_id”:43329,“name”:"Equus asinus × caballus”,“rank”:“hybrid”,“extinct”:false,“id”:568873,“default_photo”:{“square_url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/4280153/square.jpg?1545660061",“attribution”:"(c) Matt MacGillivray, some rights reserved (CC BY)”,“flags”:,“medium_url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/4280153/medium.jpg?1545660061",“id”:4280153,“license_code”:“cc-by”,“original_dimensions”:{“width”:1536,“height”:2048},“url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/4280153/square.jpg?1545660061”},“ancestor_ids”:[48460,1,2,355675,40151,848317,848320,848324,43327,43328,43329,568873],“iconic_taxon_name”:“Mammalia”,“preferred_common_name”:“Mule”},{“observations_count”:12,“taxon_schemes_count”:0,“ancestry”:“48460/1/2/355675/40151/848317/848320/848324/43327/43328/43329”,“is_active”:true,“flag_counts”:{“unresolved”:0,“resolved”:0},“wikipedia_url”:“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebroid”,“current_synonymous_taxon_ids”:null,“iconic_taxon_id”:40151,“rank_level”:10,“taxon_changes_count”:0,“atlas_id”:null,“complete_species_count”:null,“parent_id”:43329,“name”:"Equus asinus × quagga”,“rank”:“hybrid”,“extinct”:false,“id”:574900,“default_photo”:{“square_url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/11805903/square.jpg?1545698922",“attribution”:"(c) Strange Biology, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)”,“flags”:,“medium_url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/11805903/medium.jpg?1545698922",“id”:11805903,“license_code”:“cc-by”,“original_dimensions”:{“width”:2048,“height”:1692},“url”:“https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/11805903/square.jpg?1545698922”},“ancestor_ids”:[48460,1,2,355675,40151,848317,848320,848324,43327,43328,43329,574900],“iconic_taxon_name”:“Mammalia”,“preferred_common_name”:"Zonkey”}]}
Tip: If you have curl & python, this will make the output pretty:
curl -s “https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/taxa?rank=hybrid&taxon_id=43329” | python -mjson.tool
(addtional tips about selecting a subset of the data here, where I picked up this info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/352098/how-can-i-pretty-print-json-in-a-shell-script )
Thank you all for input.
@cmcheatle I created a project for hybrids in South Africa.
Currently, I have listed those hybrids that I know of, and observed, but would like it to be a collection projects of anything observed and recorded as a hybrid in SA. Thus I am looking for a way in the filter to extract the hybrids, regardless. I would have to change my project type, but that is ok.
It is easy when you know the genus and species etc, but in this case I want the filter to pull in the X factor observations only.
e.g. pull in Rubus bergii × rigidus, but leave out Rubus cuneifolius. I need it to filter " × "
Someone may know a different way, but other than adding the species one at a time to the project rules, I don’t know of a way to do it. I dont even know an effective way to get a list of observed hybrids as the hrank=hybrid filter does not work on observation queries.
Yeah, the hrank and lrank searches are broken for some ranks https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/rank-filters-sometimes-show-wrong-results/97
@shauns if you just want to see all the hybrid taxa observations in South Africa, you can use the search URL modifier rank=hybrid
right on the normal website without using the API. There are a lot of search filters that aren’t available for use in collection projects.
Thank you. That gives me my answer.
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