On the /observations page, when hrank and lrank are the same rank, it sometimes shows unexpected results, more observations than just those at that rank. This seems to be the case for:
I know I can change the URL, such as to rank=section to get the results I want, but hrank and lrank are the only publicly available/displayed options in the filters, and maybe this issue could be affecting something other than search results…
This is an old bug, from when I first joined iNat over a year ago.
I regularly hit my head on this, as for some projects I have to report on the level of identifications - i.e. to family, family to genus, species level and lower. If I include the subgeneric or subspecific ranks the results are garbage.: However, they are predictable - see below:
levels between genus and species do not work at all (i.e the filter fails and returns all data) < but subgenus might work - yields nothing which might be correct for Proteaceae? >
levels below species (*exc. hybrids) yield the total for all subspecific taxa, irrespective of which rank is requested.
Infraclass, subterclass, section, and subsection seem okay now, but genushybrid, hybrid, subspecies, variety, form, and infrahybrid are still giving me the wrong results (check links in first post).
this problem still exists unfortunately; I’ve been trying to filter to hybrid-hybrid and cannot get it to work, it just treats it as if I was using species-species