App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About): 2.4.18
Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.): Nothing ever IDs when I take a photo of it
Open Seek, upload a photo from camera, nothing can be identified.
Open seek, use camera within app, can only identify genus.
Hi @evevvren, welcome to the iNaturalist Forum and sorry you’re experiencing issues with the Seek app. I wasn’t able to replicate the issue on iOS in Seek v. 2.4.18; it’s able to identify to species for me.
It might be difficult to diagnose the issue without specific examples such as some of the photos you are using or a screen recording. Could you share some examples?
Another option to help troubleshoot is to try adding a high quality stock photo of a very easily identifiable species to Seek, e.g. a monarch butterfly (just be sure not to upload it to iNaturalist).