Seek Not Posting to iNaturalist

I have had similar problems with Samsung S20, Android v. 13, Seek v. 2.15.3 (316). I noticed in Google Photos and the Samsung Gallery that some photos had captured GPS locations and some hadn’t. I have a vague impression that the ones with no GPS location are the ones that didn’t upload. I plan to try to resolve the lack of GPS by turning off other location methods (Wifi & Bluetooth). I will also keep better track of which pictures give me trouble and which don’t.

So for me again not working, but I didn’t mention the new beta version, so please find attached.

We don’t have a fix out for this yet, I’m sorry. When we do, I’ll update this thread.


I’m able to post to iNat int he latest beta build, but there are other issues in it that need to be ironed out.

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I’ve been able to have it post again through Seek. I am not sure that it is getting all my posts or not, but it seems to be.

Which version are you using?

I just tried it out in beta again. - Interesting. - When I don’t enter the place, it is uploading… If I add the place, it won’t…

I don’t know, if that is a change, as I usually upload with places…

For my Android phone, I’ve read some confusing Google documentation about GPS derived positions on photos being shared but positions obtained from wifi or Bluetooth, or that have been manually edited, not being shared. I wonder if that could have something to do with it. Could you explain what you mean by “add the place”?

Select the loaction/approve the given one… in German it is called “Standort”.

If sent it without location, I can upload it…

Picture is just in my Galery on the phone, not in any cloud. - But I have android.

I can upload in similar circumstances, even when the phone hasn’t had a chance to upload it to the Google cloud. But I’m not using beta.

I am using Seek version 2.15.3 (316) iphone
inaturalist version 3.3 build 711 (but not really using this- just trying to post directly from Seek, and it seems restored).

Oops. Spoke too soon. It does seem that with multiple observations, that it will not post all of them still.

I am experiencing a similar issue with the Seek app on android using the latest software version. The seek app has wifi connection set, access to photos and battery saver mode in inactive. Observations intermittently transfer to iNaturalis from Seek but other observations stall.

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I am having the same problems. My identifications on Seek are not uploading to iNaturalist. The app keeps telling me that I’ve completed the same challenge over and over via a pop-up notification. It also says I have other challenges that are not completed, even though they actually have been completed in October and November. Seek also seems to be having issues with certain types of leafy plants. I’ve noticed that it gets stuck on “dicots” a lot lately, and often can’t seem to move beyond that level of identification. I’ve been having the problems through October and November.

I’m also having the problem with Seek not posting to iNaturalist. When I try to use the same pic to manually add it to iNaturalist the date and location have been stripped off. I have to take a pic within iNat itself or add the date and location manually. I have done all available updates for the apps and the phone.

I also have been having this issue for months. Does anyone know if this bug has been corrected yet?

The posting to iNaturalist bug has not been fixed yet, I’m sorry.

While using it today, I noticed that the post I tried to send to iNaturalist via Seek didn’t upload. It did have a momentary different message that I unfortunately dismissed with the “upload now” button before I could read/capture the whole thing. The first words said something like “Login Token and maybe missing”. Not sure if this is helpful in troubleshooting the problem.

Hi all,

For me it works about 5% of the time. The rest of the time, there is no message appearing saying that it will upload and indeed, nothing gets posted to iNat. The observation just gets lost…

I know that there are great people behind iNat and Seek, and a lot of volunteering work, but I just don’t understand how such important functionality can stay broken for so long and why such a serious bug was introduced in the 1st place and then is not being addressed in a timely fashion. It’s a pity to lose observations for so many months and not be able to use Seek.


This should be working in the latest release, 2.15.6 (332). I’m sorry it took so long, We weren’t receiving any sort of useful error message in any of the software so invesitgation took a while.