Show all photos in the taxon page photo browser at genus and above

Going through older feature requests. Aside from the weirdness of the place_id in the URL and UI, wanted to just re-spell out the request (partly for myself to work through this haha. Does a separate bug still need to be made for that issue?).

When I now go to (and ensuring that it is indeed filtered by Great Lakes Basin in the UI), I see 10 photos. There are 10 corresponding observations, but some have multiple photos. The request is to display all of the photos on the observations here, which is already done for the photo browser when you’re looking at a species.

This is the second photo on the second observation above, but it isn’t displayed on taxon page photo browser:


I agree, would be great if it were! Very commonly the close-up / detailed photos are not necessarily the first photo.

There are relatively few observations with tons and tons of photos, so I wouldn’t mind, and would personally prefer that photos are displayed all next to each other when they correspond to the same observation.