I resemble one of those types…
“either a retired biology teacher in Frankfurt”
Okay… But seriously… What is it with Frankfurt?
No matter how rare the species I upload, I can almost guarantee that an observation in Frankfurt exists. It seems to be the iNat Capital of Germany.
I don’t really fall into any of these categories.
There’s also “The specialist” who has 600 observations and 10,000 IDs of Carex stricta or whatever but literally identifies nothing else except other things people misidentified as Carex stricta and does explicit disagree to “Life” for those because cares about nothing else.
and a rarer one “The Developer” who is developing some new API that is meant to interface with iNaturalist so posts about 5000 complete gibberish observations in one day. Then they lose interest and are never seen again/
I’m not sure who is more frustrating: the Student (“30 unlabeled pictures of clearly cultivated garden plants”) or the Nerd (“How many of the same species of lizard does one person need to upload in one outing?”)
I see no problem with #2 if the photos are of good enough quality to actually ID them.
Yes, this is great. I could also see adding a Taxonomist one (which i couldn’t do cos of my taxonomy views), a Romaing Road iNatter, a Disinterested Reluctant Field Biologist who posts a few cool things but never checks up on them, an App Only User who dumps stuff on the site and never checks back on it either, and a Concerned Citizen who posts one thing which they think is a mountain lion but it’s actually a blurry house cat but they will not believe you. Also The Geologist who keeps adding rocks and stuff even when asked to stop.
lmao this is great
I would describe myself as a combo of hometown hero and nerd
lolll I’m a bit of a professor except Im 16 not 17 and I should be a hometown hero, jus’ sayin’
Who originally put this meme together?
either a retired biology teacher in Frankfurt or a bored 17 year old in Manila with no in between
I think it’s meta. The Taxonomist is the one making the meme.
Suburban parent is missing, “I found this mushroom in my yard. Can someone id? Is it poisonous to dogs and/or babies?” with a photo of a mushroom taken from the back of a galloping horse 30 meters away
I could list several types of non-naturalists.
I’ll take any type of weird iNatter from that list over those non-natters any time …
Very true! I always try to remind myself of that when I get frustrated about people posting 70 images of the same common weed. Those are still fine data, and they’re out there looking at nature instead of scrolling TikTok.
I’m a mix of the nerd and the birder (although I prefer inat to ebird. Ebirders, don’t kill me). Although my motto is ‘I am a nerd, and I’m proud to be one’.