Specimens As Observations

As an educator (I’m a M.Ed. who chose to unschool my son and work as a homeschool portfolio evaluator), I’ve organized nature clubs and nature study workshops for a decade.

Last summer I began paring down my casual collections - and donating bones, feathers, etc. to local nature centers.

Yesterday I found a number of ocean-related specimens (collected on beach vacations) and I’m wondering, before I donate these items…for ex. ‘mermaid’s purses,’ ‘mud crabs,’ etc. is it valuable to photograph and add them to my iNat observations?

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You can always photograph an organism that you collected, however, you just have to relocate the location to the location you found the species in. I believe that every organism has its place on Inaturalist


In my opinion, if you know the location and an approximate date, yes. Go for it, they are useful records.


Why not?

Yes, I would upload them. The only reason I would say no is if you don’t have a good date for them. For location if you don’t remember the exact spot, just make sure you set the accuracy to include all the possible locations.

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Just like to say your website diary is wonderful. I enjoyed reading through it.

And so I contribute to the topic, sure, upload them, I’d love to see the difference between your (North American) mermaids purses and mine (Southern Australia)!


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