Subphylum Crustacea should have its own tab in the categories section

So, I have been thinking about this for a while and I think it would be practical to have crustaceans as a tab in the categories section. If you have no idea what I am on about let me explain. So basically, when you click the grey filters tab next to the search bar on the top right of the screen you can filter out stuff observer, place, verifiable observations, animals etc and in the middle top section it says ‘Categories’ and underneath it there are twelve categories. Here if you click one of the animal phylum’s or class’s you can filter out all of the other observations except for the that one category so if you click the birds tab you will only see the observations of birds.

So, I was thinking that it would be worth expanding this section and adding a couple of things. I think it would be pretty useful to add crustacea to the list but there are also other candidates such as Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes), right now we only have ray finned fishes as a category. It would be super useful for me, and I am sure for many, many more people to be able to view sharks (Chondrichthyes) and crustaceans with the click of a button instead of typing it into the species bar.

I think crustaceans or sharks should be added to the categories bar however I am sure some of you guys would have some amazing suggestions too.

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Absolutely agreed!! Agree with Chondrichthyes having it’s own tab too!

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You should vote here then.

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