Taxon range and Coexistance

Is there a way to search for species that coexist within the range of a specific species?

A use for this may be for instance searching for expected insects found in the gut of a particular species of fish or bird. Or pollen sources for a specie of Bombus.

Not directly I don’t think. You could look at a species list for a given location where your species of interest exists and then see what other species have been observed in that location?

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You could make a collection project (which is basically a fancy search) to figure this out. You can look for the range of the target predator species and create the area by piecing together already existing places. Creation of new large places is not allowed. You can see what I mean by looking at this project I made: . Then you will restrict the taxon in the project to the type of prey you are interested. You could put all insects or restrict to certain groups of insects (you can have more than one). For your other idea you would make the area of the project based on your species of bee and then restrict the project taxon to flowering plants or certain groups of flowering plants that you may be interested in.

Also I thought you might be interested in checking out these traditional projects (where you add observations manually) that only include observations that show interspecific interactions in the photos:

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Thanks for your input. I’m pretty familiar with traditional, collection, and umbrella projects. I also am a member of a couple of the projects you mention.

I am aware that place creation has a limited future. I am also not really interested in trying to piece together geopolitical boundaries to try to answer ecozone queries.

My original question is more about using specific Taxon Ranges as a search parameter. My examples were not really exactly what I am after but more of a “for instance”. There are not Taxon Ranges for every species but they do exist for some and my thought was that they may in some case represent a truer outline of ecological zones - I admit this may be a naive approach but I don’t see ecological zones being search parameters any time too soon.

You don’t have to make it an ecozone. That is just what I was doing. Yours would be an outline based on the taxon’s range (be it predator or pollinator). Yes, it would only work for species that you can find accurate range maps for.

PS here’s another traditional project I just found

But the taxon range maps exist - can they be used?

I belong to that traditional project too.

On iNaturalist? I’ve never seen one of those. Please link.

Found on the Map on this page

Or try this for fun:,42007,41997,74481,197781,41988,41987,74482,544590,1240547,1240545,926056,1240544,1264712

Oh yeah, those range maps. I don’t think you can use those in a search.

I was just about to share the same thing,57690,64208,48627#4/36.173/-94.219

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