There is an error under the long-tailed tit

The Long-Tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus) does not have a completely white head.
Can you remove the photo with the completely white-headed long-tailed tit?

Thank you and have a nice day

C’è un errore sotto la voce codibugnolo.

Il codibugnolo " comune ", non ha la testa completamente bianca.
Potete rimuovere la foto con il codibugnolo con la testa completamente bianca, per favore ?

Grazie e buona giornata

Any user can remove photos used for a species on its taxon page. If you’re sure it’s a mistake, and not due to the differences in subspecies or juvenile plumage etc., here’s where you do this:

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This is a species with a fair degree of regional variability in plumage. Northern European birds typically come with a completely white coloured head. This is shown in many of the photos submitted to the site from more northern areas of its range.


Thank you !

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Thank very you !

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Even more, the white-headed form is the nominate subspecies (A. caudatus caudatus), so it definitely deserves its space on the front panel

that’s what I meant.

“Aegithalos caudatus” (Linnaeus, 1758)

and a

"Aegithalos caudatus caudatus "
Typical of northern Europe.

So why do you want to remove the pic of an actual bird we see? If you check main subsp page, it’s far from Northern Europe only.

There are numerous species and subspecies of long-tailed tit.

There are exactly 17.

They range from Europe to the Far East.

The difficulties for their identification are manifold.

I find it more interesting to differentiate at least the long-tailed tit from the all-white-headed long-tit (Aegithalos caudatus caudatus)

on the platforms of, et cetera do so.

Aegithalos caudatus europaeus - Europe

Aegithalos caudatus caudatus - Eurasia

Aegithalos caudatus rosaceus - Great Britain

Aegithalos caudatus italiae - Italy

et cetera

Have a nice day

You can easily check the photos for subspecies, having a main ssp. as a main photo is logical and far from error, no matter how many other ssp. are present.


@fffffffff - Thank you

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