Tracking CV's addition of species in a speciose genus

I know that I can look in the About tab of a taxon to see if it is included in iNaturalist’s Computer Vision. But is there a way to see how many species in a genus are in the CV and get a list of them? This would be useful information for a very speciose genus like Sphagnum or Carex.


You can do it with the API, but not in the web interface.

Thanks. I don’t speak API though. Anyone who can show me how to do that, I’d appreciate it.

it’s possible to do with the API, but it’s a bit inefficient / ugly because of the way /v1/taxa and /v1/taxa/{id} behave. why do you need this information?

It would be useful information for focusing ID efforts on species that still need to get over the threshold for CV inclusion and checking similar species for misidentifications based on CV suggestions.


i suspect that knowing whether a taxon is in the model or not, by itself, is not actually that helpful. a taxon that’s not in the model with 0 observations is probably less interesting to you than a taxon that’s not in the model with 95 observations (since 100 photos is the cutoff for training), right? really, the observation count is more informative than whether something is in the model or not, right?

here’s are the counts of observations with photos for Carex species:

is the above really less informative than having observation counts (with and without photos) and also knowing whether something is in the model? (below are the top 500 species by observation count just as an example.)

id name preferred_common_name vision observations_count
49365 Carex pendula Hanging sedge TRUE 8029
82310 Carex lurida sallow sedge TRUE 7902
128095 Carex intumescens bladder sedge TRUE 7111
127326 Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania sedge TRUE 6925
68052 Carex vulpinoidea fox sedge TRUE 5803
152950 Carex blanda eastern woodland sedge TRUE 5577
121268 Carex plantaginea plantainleaf sedge TRUE 5470
159973 Carex hirta hairy sedge TRUE 5276
128078 Carex grayi Gray’s sedge TRUE 5256
69640 Carex sylvatica European Woodland Sedge TRUE 5177
82311 Carex lupulina hop sedge TRUE 4883
82308 Carex crinita fringed sedge TRUE 4533
76114 Carex stipata awl-fruited sedge TRUE 4129
492233 Carex pilosa Hairy Sedge TRUE 4035
159951 Carex flacca blue sedge TRUE 4034
61000 Carex obnupta slough sedge TRUE 3870
82313 Carex stricta tussock sedge TRUE 3507
62212 Carex pseudocyperus Cyperus Sedge TRUE 3364
160107 Carex spicata Spiked Sedge TRUE 3357
160059 Carex pedunculata long-stalked sedge TRUE 3343
160036 Carex nigra smooth black sedge TRUE 3285
437967 Carex digitata Fingered Sedge TRUE 3206
76035 Carex echinata star sedge TRUE 3044
135269 Carex cherokeensis Cherokee sedge TRUE 2995
160055 Carex pallescens pale sedge TRUE 2772
85484 Carex flava yellow-green sedge TRUE 2752
76013 Carex aquatilis water sedge TRUE 2744
76124 Carex utriculata Northwest Territory sedge TRUE 2739
152956 Carex rostrata beaked sedge TRUE 2660
76127 Carex vesicaria inflated sedge TRUE 2636
76104 Carex scoparia pointed broom sedge TRUE 2620
129286 Carex gracillima graceful sedge TRUE 2544
76067 Carex leporina oval sedge TRUE 2504
76023 Carex canescens hoary sedge TRUE 2493
76025 Carex comosa bristly sedge TRUE 2436
129022 Carex rosea rosy sedge TRUE 2420
60750 Carex hystericina bottlebrush sedge TRUE 2287
437974 Carex praecox Vernal Sedge TRUE 2224
152952 Carex granularis Limestone Meadow sedge TRUE 2218
141184 Carex remota Remote Sedge TRUE 2188
159866 Carex albursina White Bear Sedge TRUE 2181
129491 Carex platyphylla broad-leaved sedge TRUE 2092
76128 Carex viridula little green sedge TRUE 1997
435946 Carex acuta slender tufted-sedge TRUE 1987
76091 Carex pellita woolly sedge TRUE 1868
159923 Carex cristatella crested sedge TRUE 1847
76017 Carex aurea golden sedge TRUE 1832
128530 Carex squarrosa squarrose sedge TRUE 1819
160108 Carex sprengelii longbeak sedge TRUE 1751
160056 Carex panicea grass-like sedge TRUE 1730
116342 Carex eburnea ebony sedge TRUE 1704
76063 Carex lasiocarpa woolly-fruited sedge TRUE 1691
133037 Carex cephalophora oval-headed sedge TRUE 1669
76033 Carex divulsa Grey Sedge TRUE 1666
82309 Carex lacustris lake sedge TRUE 1643
129090 Carex frankii Frank’s sedge TRUE 1627
159875 Carex arenaria sand sedge TRUE 1607
159906 Carex caryophyllea spring sedge TRUE 1603
152949 Carex arctata drooping woodland sedge TRUE 1590
159858 Carex acutiformis lesser pond sedge TRUE 1538
84998 Carex swanii Swan’s sedge TRUE 1521
159914 Carex communis fibrous-rooted sedge TRUE 1513
130895 Carex tribuloides blunt broom sedge TRUE 1511
152962 Carex retrorsa retrorse sedge TRUE 1500
160030 Carex muehlenbergii Muhlenberg’s Sedge TRUE 1467
127504 Carex bromoides brome-like sedge TRUE 1457
143656 Carex gynandra nodding sedge TRUE 1426
129696 Carex radiata bracted sedge TRUE 1404
400433 Carex otrubae False Fox-sedge TRUE 1343
143532 Carex magellanica Tall Bog-sedge TRUE 1299
160006 Carex macrocephala big-head sedge TRUE 1289
400464 Carex riparia Greater Pond-sedge TRUE 1268
128243 Carex sparganioides bur reed sedge TRUE 1268
159924 Carex crus-corvi Ravenfoot Sedge TRUE 1252
487827 Carex cespitosa Hassock-grass TRUE 1237
208495 Carex paniculata Greater Tussock-sedge TRUE 1236
127596 Carex bigelowii Bigelow’s sedge TRUE 1224
76071 Carex limosa mud sedge TRUE 1215
76069 Carex leptalea bristle-stalked sedge TRUE 1207
127287 Carex debilis white-edge sedge TRUE 1162
143684 Carex deweyana Dewey’s sedge TRUE 1157
323375 Carex appressa Southern Cutty Sedge TRUE 1136
76021 Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum’s sedge TRUE 1134
152951 Carex brunnescens Brownish Sedge TRUE 1127
1425391 Carex demissa Common Yellow Sedge TRUE 1117
127327 Carex albicans white-tinged sedge TRUE 1086
437969 Carex humilis Dwarf Sedge TRUE 1075
160098 Carex scabrata eastern rough sedge TRUE 1074
159954 Carex folliculata northern long sedge TRUE 1058
76078 Carex mertensii mertens’ sedge TRUE 1046
400465 Carex secta Pukio TRUE 1046
116348 Carex bebbii Bebb’s Sedge TRUE 1036
480754 Carex vulpina True Fox-sedge TRUE 1023
160076 Carex pumila strand sedge TRUE 1022
159967 Carex grisea Inflated Narrow-leaved Sedge TRUE 1019
435950 Carex baccans TRUE 963
400448 Carex virgata swamp sedge TRUE 935
76058 Carex interior inland sedge TRUE 932
76103 Carex scirpoidea Bulrush Sedge TRUE 919
62577 Carex pauciflora few-flowered sedge TRUE 912
76032 Carex disperma two-seeded sedge TRUE 902
129637 Carex jamesii James’ Sedge TRUE 895
159962 Carex glaucescens Southern Waxy Sedge TRUE 884
483070 Carex brizoides alpine grass TRUE 880
160045 Carex oligosperma few-seeded sedge TRUE 880
437972 Carex ericetorum Rare Spring-sedge TRUE 844
160068 Carex planostachys cedar sedge TRUE 844
159974 Carex hirtifolia hairy sedge TRUE 806
160033 Carex muskingumensis palm sedge TRUE 786
482089 Carex uncinata Bastard Grass TRUE 780
143895 Carex tuckermanii Tuckerman’s sedge TRUE 778
160026 Carex molesta Troublesome Sedge TRUE 773
244657 Carex halleriana Southern Sedge TRUE 755
160122 Carex tenera Delicate Quill Sedge TRUE 745
437973 Carex pilulifera Pill Sedge TRUE 736
76031 Carex diandra lesser tussock sedge TRUE 735
82315 Carex elata Tufted-sedge TRUE 733
159998 Carex leptonervia Nerveless Woodland Sedge TRUE 722
437964 Carex elongata Elongated Sedge TRUE 720
159903 Carex capillaris hair-like sedge TRUE 707
160137 Carex vaginata sheathed sedge TRUE 707
159972 Carex hirsutella fuzzy wuzzy sedge TRUE 699
141171 Carex breviculmis grassland sedge TRUE 698
471431 Carex fraseriana Fraser’s Sedge TRUE 688
204269 Carex glaucodea Blue Sedge TRUE 685
160074 Carex prasina drooping sedge TRUE 679
130808 Carex trisperma threeseeded sedge TRUE 669
76085 Carex nudata torrent sedge TRUE 657
76076 Carex lyngbyei Lyngbye’s sedge TRUE 655
159930 Carex davisii Davis’ sedge TRUE 647
160131 Carex torta twisted sedge TRUE 644
130459 Carex annectens Yellow-fruited Sedge TRUE 626
159997 Carex laxiculmis Spreading Sedge TRUE 616
160075 Carex projecta necklace sedge TRUE 606
159907 Carex castanea chestnut sedge TRUE 604
159896 Carex brevior Shortbeak Sedge TRUE 599
160103 Carex shortiana Short’s sedge TRUE 588
159878 Carex atlantica prickly bog sedge TRUE 585
121270 Carex laxiflora loose-flowered sedge TRUE 584
76073 Carex longii green-and-white sedge TRUE 581
400426 Carex geminata cutty grass TRUE 580
160104 Carex siccata dry land sedge TRUE 579
461239 Carex montana Soft-leaved sedge TRUE 578
48684 Carex typhina cattail sedge TRUE 572
159920 Carex crawei Crawe’s sedge TRUE 566
141170 Carex digitalis slender woodland sedge TRUE 562
76070 Carex leptopoda slender-footed sedge TRUE 551
128806 Carex tonsa shaved sedge TRUE 551
636959 Carex pediformis TRUE 537
160058 Carex peckii Peck’s sedge TRUE 524
76066 Carex lenticularis lenticular sedge TRUE 523
160134 Carex umbellata parasol sedge TRUE 522
60255 Carex praegracilis field sedge TRUE 517
160031 Carex muricata Prickly Sedge TRUE 514
129024 Carex amphibola Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge TRUE 513
76056 Carex inops Long-stolon Sedge TRUE 505
159935 Carex disticha brown sedge TRUE 500
130894 Carex aureolensis golden cattail sedge TRUE 492
637160 Carex cruciata Cross Sedge TRUE 484
129617 Carex meadii Mead’s Sedge TRUE 483
76015 Carex atherodes wheat sedge TRUE 482
159915 Carex complanata Hirsute Sedge TRUE 477
76048 Carex hendersonii Henderson’s Sedge TRUE 465
159945 Carex emoryi Emory’s sedge TRUE 453
159982 Carex hyalinolepis Shoreline Sedge TRUE 452
290553 Carex kelloggii Kellogg’s Sedge TRUE 448
160146 Carex woodii pretty sedge TRUE 434
159933 Carex distans distant sedge TRUE 432
76034 Carex duriuscula Needleleaf sedge TRUE 429
160087 Carex richardsonii Richardson’s Sedge TRUE 426
160096 Carex saxatilis russet sedge TRUE 422
59045 Carex barbarae Santa Barbara sedge TRUE 418
160038 Carex normalis Greater Straw Sedge TRUE 418
160003 Carex lupuliformis false hop sedge TRUE 414
76038 Carex filifolia threadleaf sedge TRUE 411
76111 Carex spectabilis showy sedge TRUE 401
461738 Carex tetrastachya Britton’s Sedge TRUE 400
129633 Carex bushii Bush’s Sedge TRUE 397
76084 Carex nigricans black alpine sedge TRUE 396
484172 Carex alba White sedge TRUE 395
400418 Carex fascicularis Tassel Sedge TRUE 380
159911 Carex chordorrhiza creeping sedge TRUE 379
160085 Carex retroflexa Reflexed Sedge TRUE 375
159936 Carex divisa Divided Sedge TRUE 372
160037 Carex nigromarginata Black-edge Sedge TRUE 369
76099 Carex rossii Ross’s sedge TRUE 365
76072 Carex livida livid sedge TRUE 363
603013 Carex globularis Globular Sedge TRUE 358
160012 Carex melanostachya Great Plains Sedge TRUE 358
159925 Carex cryptolepis northeastern sedge TRUE 357
204268 Carex foenea straw sedge TRUE 353
159975 Carex hitchcockiana Hitchcock’s Sedge TRUE 351
159980 Carex houghtoniana Houghton’s sedge TRUE 342
1459725 Carex alascana Northern bog sedge TRUE 331
152954 Carex michauxiana Michaux’s sedge TRUE 324
76051 Carex hoodii hood’s sedge TRUE 317
76059 Carex inversa Knob Sedge TRUE 316
890874 Carex tomentosa downy-fruited sedge TRUE 314
159956 Carex garberi Elk Sedge TRUE 313
159949 Carex extensa Long-bracted Sedge TRUE 312
635562 Carex lepidocarpa Long-stalked Yellow-sedge TRUE 311
61177 Carex densa dense sedge TRUE 308
76041 Carex geyeri Geyer’s sedge TRUE 304
636920 Carex michelii TRUE 303
159904 Carex careyana Carey’s sedge TRUE 302
132614 Carex virescens ribbed sedge TRUE 301
160139 Carex verrucosa warty sedge TRUE 296
154309 Carex trichocarpa Hairy-fruit Sedge TRUE 291
408922 Carex testacea Orange New Zealand Sedge TRUE 288
76030 Carex deflexa northern sedge TRUE 285
76064 Carex leavenworthii Leavenworth’s sedge TRUE 282
400399 Carex dissita Purei TRUE 281
159955 Carex formosa handsome sedge TRUE 281
160110 Carex sterilis dioecious sedge TRUE 279
159952 Carex flaccosperma Thin-fruit Sedge TRUE 278
141174 Carex louisianica Louisiana sedge TRUE 277
129492 Carex siderosticta Creeping Broad-leaved Sedge TRUE 276
159921 Carex crawfordii Crawford’s sedge TRUE 273
57456 Carex davalliana Davall’s Sedge TRUE 273
358458 Carex firma carnation grass TRUE 273
159868 Carex alopecoidea foxtail sedge TRUE 268
159908 Carex cephaloidea thin-leaved sedge TRUE 267
76089 Carex pachystachya starry broomsedge TRUE 264
159965 Carex gracilescens Slender Loose-flowered Sedge TRUE 261
154310 Carex sempervirens evergreen sedge TRUE 260
159989 Carex kobomugi Japanese sedge TRUE 259
159993 Carex laevivaginata smooth-sheathed sedge TRUE 258
1080726 Carex leersii Grassland Sedge TRUE 258
437968 Carex ornithopoda Bird’s-foot Sedge TRUE 257
76112 Carex spissa San Diego sedge TRUE 254
204270 Carex media closed-headed sedge TRUE 251
160000 Carex lonchocarpa southern long sedge TRUE 246
290498 Carex atrata Black Alpine Sedge TRUE 245
159889 Carex bicknellii Bicknell’s Sedge TRUE 245
159884 Carex backii Back’s sedge TRUE 244
159959 Carex gigantea Giant Sedge TRUE 242
159916 Carex concinna Beautiful Sedge TRUE 241
159947 Carex exilis meager sedge TRUE 240
636951 Carex lanceolata Lanceolate sedge FALSE 235
160095 Carex sartwellii Sartwell’s sedge TRUE 235
637060 Carex bohemica Bohemian Sedge TRUE 227
437979 Carex pulicaris Flea Sedge TRUE 227
159986 Carex joorii Cypress Swamp Sedge TRUE 224
160119 Carex supina weak arctic sedge TRUE 222
160052 Carex oxylepis Sharpscale sedge TRUE 218
160044 Carex oligocarpa Eastern Few-fruit Sedge TRUE 215
435947 Carex appropinquata Fibrous Tussock-sedge TRUE 214
159979 Carex hostiana Tawny Sedge TRUE 213
64183 Carex tumulicola foothill sedge TRUE 213
700756 Carex sociata TRUE 210
159970 Carex haydenii Hayden’s sedge TRUE 208
160041 Carex novae-angliae New England sedge TRUE 208
470296 Carex pisiformis Pisiformis Sedge FALSE 202
160073 Carex prairea prairie sedge TRUE 199
160142 Carex wahuensis Oahu Sedge TRUE 199
159905 Carex caroliniana Carolina Sedge TRUE 198
160081 Carex rariflora loose-flowered alpine sedge TRUE 196
400447 Carex trifida Sword Grass TRUE 196
160007 Carex macrochaeta Alaska Large Awn Sedge TRUE 195
160018 Carex microdonta Littletooth Sedge TRUE 193
159873 Carex appalachica Appalachian sedge TRUE 192
854271 Carex colchica TRUE 191
76081 Carex nebrascensis Nebraska sedge TRUE 191
117735 Carex paleacea chaffy sedge TRUE 191
143522 Carex tenuiflora sparse-flowered sedge TRUE 190
636960 Carex rhizina TRUE 185
76119 Carex texensis Texas sedge TRUE 185
437963 Carex dioica Dioecious Sedge TRUE 182
141187 Carex maorica TRUE 182
435960 Carex filicina TRUE 181
924157 Carex myosuroides Mouse-tail bog sedge TRUE 178
159950 Carex festucacea fescue sedge FALSE 177
407322 Carex lambertiana bush sedge TRUE 174
59050 Carex serratodens saw-toothed sedge TRUE 174
76079 Carex microptera small-winged sedge TRUE 173
61176 Carex globosa round-fruited sedge TRUE 172
160070 Carex pluriflora Several-flowered Sedge TRUE 172
1499350 Carex billingsii Billings’ sedge TRUE 171
160063 Carex picta Painted Sedge TRUE 171
76024 Carex capitata capitate sedge TRUE 169
160014 Carex merritt-fernaldii Merritt Fernald’s sedge TRUE 169
141169 Carex conoidea open-field sedge TRUE 165
127288 Carex forsteri TRUE 165
400434 Carex flagellifera Glen Murray Tussock TRUE 164
1460613 Carex hartmaniorum Hartman’s sedge TRUE 164
159856 Carex abscondita thicket sedge TRUE 162
1459518 Carex ciliatomarginata Creeping broad-leaf sedge FALSE 160
435981 Carex stenophylla TRUE 160
496115 Carex baldensis TRUE 157
159898 Carex brunnea TRUE 157
823736 Carex aterrima TRUE 154
160105 Carex silicea beach sedge TRUE 154
129618 Carex tetanica Rigid Sedge TRUE 154
435987 Carex umbrosa TRUE 152
323387 Carex gaudichaudiana TRUE 151
160144 Carex willdenowii Willdenow’s Sedge TRUE 151
400398 Carex buchananii Buchanan’s Sedge TRUE 149
160001 Carex lucorum Blue Ridge sedge TRUE 149
338380 Carex binervis green-ribbed sedge FALSE 148
160010 Carex maritima Curved Sedge TRUE 147
76122 Carex triquetra trigonous sedge TRUE 146
159927 Carex cumulata clustered sedge TRUE 145
160101 Carex seorsa Weak Stellate Sedge TRUE 145
481842 Carex liparocarpos Shiny sedge TRUE 142
850730 Carex tereticaulis Poongort TRUE 141
58343 Carex douglasii Douglas’ sedge TRUE 138
141173 Carex lachenalii Hare’s-foot Sedge TRUE 138
160091 Carex rupestris Rock Sedge TRUE 138
76011 Carex amplifolia big-leaf sedge TRUE 136
160112 Carex striata Walter’s Sedge TRUE 135
159901 Carex bullata button sedge TRUE 133
76028 Carex cusickii Cusick’s sedge TRUE 133
159990 Carex kraliana Kral’s Sedge TRUE 131
358456 Carex strigosa thin-spiked wood sedge TRUE 129
160093 Carex sabulosa Baikal Sedge TRUE 127
141188 Carex aethiopica TRUE 125
76016 Carex athrostachya long-bracted sedge TRUE 125
736511 Carex tristachya Shiny-spike sedge FALSE 123
160042 Carex obtusata blunt sedge TRUE 121
76105 Carex scopulorum Holm’s Rocky Mountain sedge FALSE 120
159931 Carex decomposita cypressknee sedge TRUE 119
76080 Carex multicaulis stick sedge FALSE 119
400406 Carex comans New Zealand hair-sedge TRUE 117
76075 Carex luzulina woodrush sedge TRUE 117
141081 Carex conjuncta Soft Fox Sedge FALSE 115
76095 Carex praticola northern meadow sedge TRUE 115
159913 Carex collinsii Collins’ Sedge TRUE 113
136606 Carex baileyi Bailey’s Sedge TRUE 112
159887 Carex basiantha Basal Flower Sedge FALSE 111
76036 Carex exsiccata western inflated sedge FALSE 111
159966 Carex gravida Heavy-fruited Sedge FALSE 111
868747 Carex curvula Curvy sedge TRUE 110
1459742 Carex pairae Small-fruited Prickly-sedge FALSE 110
76093 Carex phaeocephala Dunhead Sedge FALSE 110
160019 Carex microglochin bristle sedge FALSE 109
159919 Carex corrugata Prune-fruit Sedge FALSE 106
160017 Carex microchaeta alpine tundra sedge FALSE 106
159864 Carex alata Broadwing Sedge TRUE 105
159880 Carex atrofusca scorched alpine-sedge FALSE 105
636975 Carex arnellii TRUE 104
159890 Carex bicolor Two-color Sedge TRUE 104
159862 Carex aggregata Glomerate Sedge FALSE 103
775471 Carex erinacea TRUE 103
983490 Carex parviflora TRUE 102
160089 Carex rotundata Roundfruit Sedge TRUE 102
76090 Carex pansa sanddune sedge FALSE 101
160067 Carex planispicata flat-spiked sedge FALSE 101
160048 Carex ormostachya Necklace Spike Sedge FALSE 100
636927 Carex doniana TRUE 99
468050 Carex morrowii Morrow’s Sedge FALSE 99
400441 Carex solandri New Zealand forest sedge TRUE 99
636937 Carex callitrichos Thin sedge FALSE 97
76026 Carex concinnoides northwestern sedge TRUE 96
143521 Carex loliacea Rye-grass Sedge TRUE 96
1461724 Carex korshinskyi TRUE 95
159953 Carex floridana Florida Sedge FALSE 93
484227 Carex frigida ice sedge FALSE 93
76098 Carex raynoldsii Raynold’s sedge FALSE 93
160120 Carex sychnocephala many-headed sedge TRUE 93
76040 Carex fracta fragile-sheathed sedge FALSE 92
160013 Carex membranacea Fragile-seed Sedge FALSE 92
159960 Carex glacialis alpine sedge FALSE 91
160034 Carex nardina Nard Sedge FALSE 90
76086 Carex obispoensis San Luis Obispo sedge FALSE 90
924147 Carex simpliciuscula Simple Bog Sedge FALSE 90
484228 Carex fuliginosa Shortleaved Sedge FALSE 88
767702 Carex leiorhyncha Mountain cat-tail sedge FALSE 86
129093 Carex triangularis Eastern Fox Sedge FALSE 86
159879 Carex atratiformis scabrous black sedge TRUE 85
76014 Carex arcta northern clustered sedge FALSE 84
141213 Carex distachya FALSE 84
76123 Carex unilateralis one-sided sedge FALSE 83
159860 Carex adusta swarthy sedge TRUE 82
159978 Carex hormathodes marsh straw sedge FALSE 82
143410 Carex argyrantha silvery-flowered sedge FALSE 81
481989 Carex banksiana Fine-leaved Bastard Grass FALSE 81
141215 Carex japonica FALSE 81
76062 Carex laeviculmis smooth-stemmed sedge FALSE 81
204267 Carex echinodes Prickly Quill Sedge FALSE 80
160143 Carex wiegandii Wiegand’s sedge TRUE 80
76049 Carex heteroneura smooth-fruited sedge FALSE 79
160043 Carex oklahomensis Oklahoma sedge FALSE 79
501112 Carex neurocarpa FALSE 77
159943 Carex elliottii Elliott’s Sedge TRUE 76
635473 Carex fuscula Dusky sedge FALSE 76
501111 Carex gibba Gibbous sedge FALSE 76
160115 Carex stylosa Long-styled Sedge FALSE 76
76116 Carex subfusca rusty slender sedge FALSE 76
400429 Carex lessoniana FALSE 75
400463 Carex punctata Dotted Sedge FALSE 75
1276227 Carex agastachys FALSE 74
76106 Carex senta western rough sedge FALSE 74
400402 Carex coriacea Cutty Grass FALSE 73
129287 Carex ferruginea Rust-coloured Sedge FALSE 73
1461696 Carex sabynensis Narrow mitra sedge FALSE 73
410914 Carex oshimensis Evergold Sedge FALSE 72
1409518 Carex oederi FALSE 71
482019 Carex zotovii Zotov’s Bastard Grass FALSE 71
159871 Carex anthoxanthea Yellow-flowered Sedge FALSE 70
470265 Carex bostrychostigma Curled-stigma sedge FALSE 70
76037 Carex feta green-sheathed sedge FALSE 70
76043 Carex gynodynama Olney’s hairy sedge FALSE 70
160039 Carex norvegica Norway sedge FALSE 70
494379 Carex phleoides FALSE 70
159865 Carex albolutescens Greenwhite Sedge FALSE 69
1074677 Carex longerostrata Longbeak sedge FALSE 69
159942 Carex eleusinoides goosegrass sedge FALSE 67
343008 Carex hochstetteriana Azores sedge TRUE 67
400432 Carex longebrachiata FALSE 67
160071 Carex podocarpa short-stalk sedge FALSE 67
160121 Carex tenax wire sedge FALSE 67
702683 Carex mitrata Mitra sedge FALSE 66
861414 Carex peregrina TRUE 66
704675 Carex xerophila Chaparral Sedge FALSE 66
1459715 Carex accrescens FALSE 65
861801 Carex laevissima FALSE 65
581760 Carex lancea Spear Sedge FALSE 65
76092 Carex petasata Liddon’s sedge FALSE 65
435955 Carex clavata FALSE 64
452208 Carex lenta FALSE 62
409225 Carex litorosa Sea Sedge FALSE 62
76020 Carex breweri Brewer’s sedge FALSE 61
76022 Carex californica California sedge FALSE 61
159926 Carex cumberlandensis Cumberland Sedge FALSE 61
465625 Carex dimorpholepis FALSE 61
481995 Carex edura FALSE 61
76053 Carex illota sheep sedge FALSE 61
160114 Carex styloflexa Bent Sedge FALSE 61
159929 Carex dasycarpa Sandy Woods Sedge FALSE 60
437965 Carex depauperata Starved Wood-sedge FALSE 60
874179 Carex reuteriana FALSE 60
447067 Carex secalina Rye Sedge FALSE 60
400468 Carex sinclairii FALSE 59
160005 Carex macloviana Thickhead sedge FALSE 58
482005 Carex megalepis FALSE 58
520225 Carex micropoda Anderson Sedge FALSE 58
159886 Carex barrattii Barratt’s Sedge FALSE 57
496116 Carex foetida FALSE 57
1065451 Carex okamotoi Creeping narrow-leaf sedge FALSE 57
897677 Carex mucronata FALSE 56
400390 Carex dipsacea Teasel Sedge FALSE 55
400425 Carex flaviformis FALSE 55
637099 Carex forficula Scabrous scissors-like sedge FALSE 55
338122 Carex hispida Hispid Sedge FALSE 55
160100 Carex schweinitzii Schweinitz’s Sedge FALSE 55
160113 Carex striatula Lined Sedge FALSE 53
141172 Carex fissa Hammock Sedge FALSE 52
159963 Carex gmelinii Gmelin’s Sedge FALSE 52
160084 Carex reniformis Kidneyshape Sedge FALSE 52
1459514 Carex transversa FALSE 52
129635 Carex vestita velvet sedge FALSE 52
338381 Carex laevigata Smooth-stalked Sedge FALSE 51
160132 Carex turgescens Pine Barren Sedge FALSE 51
581754 Carex capensis Cape Sedge FALSE 50
1159118 Carex excelsa FALSE 50
159961 Carex glareosa Weak-cluster Sedge FALSE 50
160004 Carex lutea golden sedge FALSE 50
76009 Carex albonigra black-and-white sedge FALSE 49
897592 Carex hordeistichos FALSE 49
494316 Carex zikae short-stemmed sedge FALSE 49
400438 Carex maculata FALSE 48
1255528 Carex talbotii Berggren’s sedge FALSE 48
636990 Carex appendiculata FALSE 46
481991 Carex corynoidea Fish Hooks FALSE 46
159932 Carex diluta FALSE 46
581772 Carex spicatopaniculata FALSE 46
64315 Carex subbracteata small-bracted sedge FALSE 46
495745 Carex dispalata FALSE 45
1065071 Carex gifuensis FALSE 45
160062 Carex petricosa Rock-dwelling Sedge FALSE 45
160130 Carex torreyi Torrey’s Sedge FALSE 45
76018 Carex bolanderi Bolander’s sedge FALSE 44
558704 Carex brevicollis FALSE 44
143756 Carex socialis social sedge FALSE 44
160116 Carex suberecta Prairie Straw Sedge FALSE 44
437977 Carex trinervis Three-nerved Sedge FALSE 44
159992 Carex laeviconica Smooth-cone Sedge FALSE 43
61813 Carex mendocinensis Mendocino sedge FALSE 43
160025 Carex mitchelliana Mitchell’s sedge FALSE 43
76109 Carex simulata Analogue Sedge FALSE 43
76027 Carex congdonii congdon’s sedge FALSE 42
141175 Carex mackenziei Mackenzie’s sedge FALSE 42
447259 Carex maximowiczii FALSE 42
435973 Carex phacota FALSE 42
400393 Carex brownii FALSE 41
159971 Carex heleonastes Hudson Bay Sedge FALSE 41
501095 Carex maackii FALSE 41
76087 Carex occidentalis western sedge FALSE 41
160117 Carex subspathacea Hoppner’s sedge FALSE 41
343009 Carex vulcani FALSE 41
400457 Carex wakatipu FALSE 41
494320 Carex hamata FALSE 40
76046 Carex haydeniana Cloud Sedge FALSE 40
400428 Carex ochrosaccus FALSE 40
474775 Carex parallela FALSE 40
482012 Carex punicea Red Bastard Grass FALSE 40
1389246 Carex quinquin FALSE 40
492237 Carex alopecuroides FALSE 39
159882 Carex austrina southern sedge FALSE 39
1125816 Carex austroalpina FALSE 39

100 photos is about 60 obs. That is my target.
For example Carex austrina needs another 20 obs (from various observers - model needs a variety of cameras, photographers, photo quality, and views of taxon) Not - I will whizz out and make 20 new obs myself. But maybe you can retrieve some from broader taxa or Unknowns?


Actually that list is pretty useful, for Sphagnum. My reason for wanting to know is this: at first, the CV was suggesting Sphagnum squarrosum for nearly every Sphagnum. I generated your list for Sphagnum to see species counts for that genus. I see there are over 3600 observations called Sphagnum squarrosum, but the vast majority of these are wrong because of that early suggestion. I skipped down the list and estimated that the CV is now suggesting around 40 species of Sphagnum. Many are still wrong, but what an improvement! I can attack those bogus Sphagnum squarrosum now with some hope that we can get somewhere on them. Thanks, @pisum.



This is great, thanks @pisum! Can the number of photos be output in addition to the number of observations?

You can use 70 obs as a cutoff if you want a conservative number.

Very interesting, thanks! Looking at the outliers, neither number of observations nor number of photos per se seem to be the determining factor for inclusion in the CV. It probably has to be obs/photos with a community ID? Here’s the upper and lower ends of what is included or not:

  • Carex lanceolata - 235 obs, not included
  • Carex pisiformis - 202 obs, not included
  • Carex festucacea - 177 obs, not included
  • Carex elliottii - 76 obs, included
  • Carex hochstetteriana - 67 obs, included
  • Carex peregrina - 66 obs, included

i checked, and it looks like the cutoff is actually 100 observations (with photos, i assume), including 50 research grade.

so if that’s correct, you could tell if a taxon will be included in the next training run by looking at the combination of the two sets:

you could probably use the experimental compare tool to combine those two sets in most cases, like so:

the 50 research grade limit explains the ones not included.

the other situations might be due to any number of things. there is a known bug that seems to affect some taxa. but maybe there have just been a lot of changes to those taxa since the model was last changed?

looking at C. elliottii, it seems like if you include withdrawn ids, there could have been close to 100 observations, and maybe someone just did a lot of cleanup on that taxon since the last CV training?

C. hochstetteriana and C.peregrina have fewer observations, even if you include withdrawn. however, they are both limited to the Azores. so maybe an observer disappeared? or was there some sort of weird taxon change? someone can do more research here if they like, but i’m not super interested in digging much deeper here.


This is the ‘hot off the press’ answer from tiwane’s new Help articles. January 2024


hmmmm… if they have changed the requirements for inclusion in the model (to >= 100 photos across >=60 observations, with <=5 photos from any observation), i don’t see that reflected in the taxon information yet. maybe they’ll update that later.

as far as i can tell, currently, the only way regular folks can get photo count at a taxon level in a somewhat reasonable way is to get information at an observation level and then aggregate up to the taxon level. you probably wouldn’t want to do this for many taxa with many observations, but you could do it for some taxa with relatively few observations.

so i would not modify my observations_species_count page to handle that, but i could provide a script to get this data, if folks are really interested in getting that kind of info.


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