Platform: Website
App version number, if a mobile app issue:
Browser, if a website issue: Chrome
URLs of any relevant observations or pages:
Screenshots of what you are seeing :
Description of problem:
Step 1: Begin creating observations
Step 2: Leave, close laptop (enters Sleep Mode)
Step 3: Return, log in (wakes up)
Step 4: Resume adding observations
Step 5: See popup requesting you to sign in to iNaturalist
Step 6: Fill out username and password, click sign in, resume creating observations
Step 7: See the popup again, and again, and again…
This has so far happened to me twice, and it’s extremely annoying. I like to upload about fifty observations at once, but this means if I leave in the middle I won’t be able to keep going. After I enter my username and password, I get about one second to try and work on an observation before I have to log in again. If I don’t click anything, it doesn’t happen, but as soon as I do it pops up again. It just started about a week or two ago - is it some sort of new feature malfunctioning?
Has anyone else had this problem? The only “fix” I can find is to bypass it by submitting all completed obs before leaving. Any help welcomed.