Uploading observations without IDs says incorrect error message


I wasn’t uploading observations without photos, just observations without IDs. This doesn’t appear to be the correct type of error message for this situation, since they will be visible by default in searches.


getting similar error message very often … windows 10, Firefox … sometimes some pictures do not make the upload when such a message is displayed … but usually most are there.

  • edit … did have a look at the only case i saved as screenshot … and yes there seems to be a correlation and in this case i got the right error message! Also the metadata show that the time between these two screenshots is a little over 5 minutes only … seems I had a reasonable internet connection inaturalist inaturalist2

It used to do that, but hasn’t given me that warning in a while.

I haven’t uploaded anything from the website for a while so I just tried it out. Looks like it still works for me (Chrome):


Looks like it only works if missing both the photo and the ID. With just the ID missing, it still uploads without error:

Huh, I get the same thing now. I wonder if when I originally reported this bug, that one or more of the attached photos actually failed to upload.

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I don’t think we’ve ever had a warning for situations where the observation was just missing an ID.