Various iNat webpages intermittently stall out and won't load

Several types of pages within iNat are not loading properly. This has been happening for the last several days. The problem is intermittent. A page may load properly one minute and then a couple of minutes later it won’t. Five minutes later it will load again. Not all pages seem to be affected. This commonly happens on “Your Observations” (upon clicking link, I get a spinning wheel and the content will not load). Often species profile pages do not load fully. For species that have many observations, no data is available (see screenshot) and pictures cannot be seen (clicking on the photos link will give the message “No observations yet”). Sometimes some of the data on species profile pages will load (such as “top observer” and “total observations”) and other data won’t (such as “last observation”). Filtered searches for species have also been working only intermittently. After running the search, the wheel spins and no data loads. The data on my Dashboard and personal profile always seems to work perfectly, but species searches, “Your Observations”, and species profiles have only been loading properly about 40% of the time over the last few days. I usually run Google Chrome (latest version), but I have this issue in Edge as well (seems even worse). My internet is very fast, so that is not an issue.

I have additional screenshots, but since I’m new to the forum, it will not allow me to post them.

Also, I don’t have this issue with any other websites that I use regularly. However, since no one else has been reporting this issue, I suspect that the issue may be between my computer and iNat.

I don’t have fast internet. iNat is sometimes faster, or slower for me. I suspect due to demand varying at the servers across the 24/7 ?

Hi @cjs041, I’m checking into old bug reports. Are you still experiencing this issue? You should be able to post more than one screenshot now if it is. Sorry about that restriction.
