Wait? What are you doing here?

Is it an oppossum? :open_mouth:

Yes! They live in the tall trees around the garden and, like cats, use the walls that surround the garden like highways. I love seeing them silhouetted against the sunset! They descend into the garden from time to time but usually when I am not out in it.

I’ve only seen them within the house itself twice, once in the covered terraza area that adjoins the open air kitchen and this time in the kitchen itself.


This red fox couldn’t wait to get out of the street to scratch an itch

This moose was in the middle of farm fields in North Dakota

Mallard Hen many meters up in a Silver Maple


Here’s another fun one.

I was at Oakbank Pond Park, a small water body with many turtles, including two Common Snapping Turtles. One of these massive turtles floated at the surface for a while. Soon, a small Painted Turtle swam up and perched on the snapping turtle’s head! It kept thrusting its head into the snapping turtle’s. It was both adorable and hilarious!



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