What animals have injured/stung/bitten you?

I’m also older brother (not older sister lol), so I know how it feels! It has many pros, but some cons too, as a great man’s uncle once said, “With great power comes great responsibility!”


Cats, a mouse, anoles, skinks, tarantula, and got stung by my first wasp ever this year-a yellow jacket.

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Welcome to the form @spiritconner

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Yep no kidding…

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Younger siblings more horrible creatures, they’re like weasels, seem cute but are dangerous! :sweat_smile:


Eh I have been chomped on by hornets, (Eurasian), false widow (which sent me to hospital), cat, which seems to enjoy eating my fingers and toes, red crested pochard + many other ducks, grass snake, slow worm, viviparous lizard, oak processionary moth poisoning + coral poisoning.


I avoid touching Giant Water Bugs like the plague! I was bitten by a water boatman after picking it up in my hand, and I could feel it in the nerves up by my elbow. I am wary about touching any bug.


I agree, water boatmen can really bite! Also crabs and crayfish are things to be avoided


So true.

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I have been bitten the most by my siblings, stung the most by bees (from beekeeping), and injured most from tripping over my dogs…


I am not sure whether to agree as I am the middle of 5 so therefore am a younger sibling but have younger siblings.


On the contrary, crabs and crayfish should be worried about me biting. They’re delicious :yum: And as long as you grab them by the right spots they can’t get you. Or if you give them a stick or something, often they’ll be too intent on holding onto that to let go and pinch you.



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@screedius please stop encouraging the vegetarians to eat the yummy stuff… more for the rest of us :D


Mark your worse than @screedius

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  1. Younger brother (seems to be a common dangerous creature judging by the other replies in this thread).
  2. mole - I was a dumb kid and tried to catch one
  3. mice - One bit my hand while I was sleeping, and another one gave me a nasty little chomp while I was attempting to capture and relocate it.
  4. rabbits
  5. feral cat - two different occasions, one was an adult stray and one was a kitten I was helping to trap
  6. somebody’s horrid little yappy dog - more than one time, more than one dog, but always a chihuahua
  7. hamster - a friends pet, was told it was “friendly.” It was not.
  8. jack rabbit
  9. vole
  10. goat
  11. Got chased by wild pigs but they broke off the attack before they quite got to me.


  1. Mallard
  2. Canada goose
  3. domestic goose
  4. chickens
  5. scrub jay
  6. stellar’s jay -trying to rescue a badly injured one
  7. seagulls - also trying to rescue, twice
  8. band tailed pigeon - also trying to rescue
  9. budgerigar - a stray one captured by a roommate’s cat in the back yard. Amazingly it survived.
  10. goldfinch - was caught in a spider web, bit me while I freed it
  11. california quail
  12. bewick’s wren
  13. peacock
  14. A turkey vulture threw up on me once, which was honestly worse than getting bitten by something.
  15. A hummingbird tried to stab me, which was actually pretty cute and didn’t even hurt.


  1. fence lizard,
  2. alligator lizard,
  3. western skink,
  4. gopher snake,
  5. garter snake,
  6. pond turtle,
  7. anole.


  1. Leeches
  2. Ants of many different kinds
  3. Sand fleas
  4. Regular fleas
  5. Ticks (got lyme disease, it was horrible)
  6. Chiggers
  7. Mosquitos
  8. Various biting flies
  9. No-see-ums
  10. Duck lice, aka Swimmer’s Itch
  11. Yellow jackets, many times… one time a yellowjacket bit me on the face, and when I swatted it, not realizing what it was, it stung me and my face was swollen for a week.
  12. Paper wasps
  13. Rock crabs
  14. crayfish
  15. Bumblebees
  16. Western Honey Bee
  17. Western Forest Scorpion (they like to hide inside of shoes)
  18. Ladybug larva
  19. Snakeflies
  20. Spiders, various kinds, usually while sleeping. Also I once inhaled a trashline orbweaver and all its debris pile when I ducked under a branch while breathing heavily from climbing a hill. I was coughing up bits of bark and spider legs for hours, and I think my lungs have still not ever quite been the same.
  21. Sea urchin - my fault, I stepped on it barefoot

I know the title said animals, but I’m gonna include plants too.

  1. Stinging nettle
  2. Poison oak
  3. Blackberries - I have scars to prove it
  4. Roses
  5. Prickly pears
  6. Star-thistles
  7. Bull thistles
  8. Bristly oxtongue - one of my least favorite plants
  9. Douglas fir - broken branch stabbed my face right next to my eye
  10. “Stinging algae” - I don’t know what this stuff actually is, but it’s a small bristly-looking algae-like organism that gives a sting akin to mild stinging nettle - my childhood swimming hole was full of it.

I’m sure there’s more I’m not remembering right now…


That sounds like a scene straight out of my nightmares :scream:


I personally can not stand chihuahuas - or any small, yappy dog for that matter.:joy:

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Lets see

  1. Stung in the butt by protective Paper Wasps
  2. Came within miliseconds of getting eyes sprayed with cytotoxin by a Mozambiquan Spitting Cobra I was trying to photograph
  3. Bitten countless times while walking in the Bush by what I can only describe as Horseflies on steroids
  4. Bitten by a predatory Katydid in the Drakensberg (alarmingly painful for an insect of that size, I pity its prey!)
  5. Bitten by juvenile Nile Crocodile, admittedly I was taking far too many liberties while dealing with this creature
  6. Bitten by a tick in Kruger National Park when I was small. I’ve never sweated and vommited that much in my entire life

Memories :)


I complain about bee stings and then you casually say that you were nearly blinded by a cobra :rofl: