What are the Native Species of which you are fond?

So cute!

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Jinx! :joy: I was just about to say the same thing - coast redwoods never fail to awe and soothe my soul.

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In New England, we have a lot of uncommon woodpecker species, from elusive Pileated Woodpeckers (North America’s largest species) to hidden gems like Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers and Red-Headed Woodpeckers, which I myself haven’t seen for years. I remember when Red-Headed Woodpeckers used to be a lot more common (around 2007-2010ish), although maybe the local populations moved on or there’s some larger decrease going on with them in my state.

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Northern Flickers


What a great question! I love 'em all, but my favorite native plants are the ones that hold their own against the sea on invasives we have in Pennsylvania (NE U.S.). Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is beautiful and tough, same with goldenrods (Solidago spp.), which are a terrific autumn food source. American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) grows wherever it wants (and I let it). Same with Eastern Cedar ( Juniperus virginiana). American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) make a symphony of a summer night. Love all the native birds too, but especially Eastern Bluebird ( Sialia sialis), Pileated woodpecker ( Dryocopus pileatus) and Carolina Wren ( Thryothorus ludovicianus).

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We love Red-breasted Nuthatch :two_hearts::heart:

Also love Bumblebees with colorful stripes like the Rusty-patched

Goldenrods and Milkweeds

Red-banded Leafhopper

Red Fox


I previously mentioned California’s redwoods. Well, here in the Carolina Low Country, we have a close relative of the redwoods, which also has its own signature ecosystem: the Baldcypress Taxodium distichum. Like the dawn redwood, it is a deciduous conifer, dropping its needles in fall (hence the descriptor “bald”); but even more fascinating to me are the pneumatophores – they look like stalagmites, but made of wood instead of limestone.

I have a small baldcypress pole which I intend to make into a walking stick once I have the right materials.

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My favourite species is not only native but endemic. And not just endemic to Spain or even Andalucía, but to the province of Málaga! And when I uploaded it in 2017, it was an iNat first. :-) And it is really beautiful.
Alphasida holosericea



With the crowd here, I think you will get a lot of people saying they love a lot of things!

I love most if not all native flora and fauna, without much thought I think I’d say my favorite native flower species is Plymouth Gentian, Sabatia kennedeya

As a group of plants goldenrods are my favorite. They are incredibly common around here but I always stop to admire them, each species beautiful in their own unique way.

I think I’ll stop with flowers because I am one of the aforementioned people that could go on forever :wink:


Wow! Beautiful photos.

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Great photo! We have Ichneumonids in South Africa as well, especially our southeastern province of KZN. I’ve encountered them on grassland fringes and contour forests quite often but never seem to be able to get a decent photo

We also have Brachonid wasps which use various Lepidopteran larvae as an incubator and food source for their young

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