I’ve been really considering getting some kind of camera lately to take photos of wildlife for the purpose of making observations and such. I use an iPhone XR to take all my pictures, and in my experience, it’s been great for getting pictures of things from six inches away or further, but it goes wildly out of focus when trying to get close-up shots (while trying to get pictures of plant pores/hairs, for example), and the photo quality drops significantly the more you zoom in on something. Otherwise, this phone camera has been amazing for me! But, I guess I’d say it lacks in the regard of trying to get good species-identifying photos.
So, what kind of camera/lens do you use when you’re taking photos for your observations, or just when capturing wildlife in general? I think most iNaturalist users out there use their phone camera like I do, but I’d love to invest in an upgrade.
I’ve been thinking about buying a Olympus TG-6 camera lately because it appears to be relatively compact and easy to take around with me as I wander around outside getting photos. However, my only concern is the fact that it only has one lens, which I’ve been warned might not provide great value for the price. Do any of y’all use an Olympus TG-6 as well? If so, how’s your experience with it?
I’m open to any recommendations of cameras that are convenient to carry around and have good plant/animal/fungi observation photo potential! Thanks for reading.