What is your Favorite Lifer from this week?

Week ending August 15, 2021: The magnificent Rainbow Grasshopper!



Last week I was Navarre Beach for a family vacation and I observed a few species of fish I thought were incredible: an inshore lizardfish, a gray triggerfish, and a 40-lb gag grouper my brother-in-law caught


Leucocoprinus brebissonii (Skullcap Dapperling). Seems to be pretty rare on the East Coast!


Nice macro shots!!

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Found Rusty-patched Bumblebee https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/92721249


It’s only Sunday yet I already know nothing’s going to top this one. A great purple hairstreak I just saw this afternoon. It’s without a doubt the coolest butterfly I’ve ever seen.


My favourite lifer for the week is Sphinx Ladies’ Tresses. A nice find late in the season. https://inaturalist.ca/observations/92421180


Feather-legged fly is a true lifer; I’ve never seen or photographed one before. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/92956906


super cool find! :O

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Week 23.08-29.08
There’re 11 new plant species for me on iNat, the “best” imo are:
underrepresented Common Bladderwort, cool Siberian water-milfoil, one of many similar species, Square-Stemmed Willow Herb, unexpected Small Bugloss and opposite Mediterranean amaranth.

26 August - 1 September 2021

This Woolly-necked Stork (Ciconia episcopus): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93225896

This Indian Flower Chafer (Gametis versicolor): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93228460

The most beautiful beetle I’ve ever seen in my life!

This Sternobrithes soldier fly: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93234105

It is introduced from Africa, and is an unusual finding!

This Colourful moth, Loboschiza koenigiana: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93233467

And this Anthracini bee fly: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93234540


The soldier fly has been identified as the introduced African genus Sternobrithes, https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/646005 and it is actually an unusual observation!!!

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I’m absolutely losing my mind right now. I saw a moth earlier tonight and when I got home and looked at the pics trying to ID it I found that it looked to be a Once-Married Underwing moth. I looked at a few potential alternatives and nothing quite matched up so I think it might actually be that. But when I checked the map to see if they were known to be in my state, I realized there have only been nine research-grade observations of this species here. I already was wishing I had gotten a clearer shot of it but now i’m extra sad… but also absolutely elated that I saw one at all! Assuming it actually is that species, that is. Im so happy :D


You got a cool shot! I like the name too.) And it’s in focus, look at this monstrosity: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/86479590


Probably one of these Stilt-Legged Flies though it makes me wish i still had a macro lens


My favorite lifer is this [https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93166766]
I have not seen such a insect before,it almost looks like a cricket or a grasshopper but quite smaller and amazing.
The other favorite lifers of this week are [https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93354389] ; [https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/93447998]

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Super excited to share this wedge-shaped beetle lifer and potential first iNat record. While the ID is unconfirmed and may never be (only 12% of the genus is RG and these aren’t the best pictures), at least it’s unique compared to the other Ripiphoridae observations in New Mexico.



I went to Mt. Diablo today, and I saw a flower that is not yet in the project, The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Mt. Diablo, California (although I expect it will be as soon as someone notices.

Golden eardrops, formerly Dicentra chrysantha, now Ehrendorferia chrysantha.


I’m absolutely losing my mind right now. I saw a moth earlier tonight and when I got home and looked at the pics trying to ID it I found that it looked to be a Once-Married Underwing moth. I looked at a few potential alternatives and nothing quite matched up so I think it might actually be that. But when I checked the map to see if they were known to be in my state, I realized there have only been nine research-grade observations of this species here. I already was wishing I had gotten a clearer shot of it but now i’m extra sad… but also absolutely elated that I saw one at all! Assuming it actually is that species, that is. Im so happy :D

Update to my last post: look who’s back! And feeling a little less shy today as well! :D

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It’s not a good photo at all, but I really loved watching the butterflies and trying to get a useable pic.

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