When re-applying the same filters new observations are shown

When re-applying the same filters for the same area new observations are shown.
It happens also when the same filters are applied after a few days. This makes that some observations cannot be watched unless I re-apply these filters.
It seems not to be due to changes in the observation data (place) or identification.
Has this happened also to other users?

Yes, it happens to me, too, but not all the time.

I often see new things appear in my ID filter that haven’t changed in months (as per the data that I can see). Since I don’t use a location restriction it can’t be a location change. I’ve always wondered and have been (very slightly) annoyed by it, but by now I’ve got used to it. Since everything turns up eventually I’m not bothered much. (For other workflows than mine it might be more of a problem of course.) I am curious though.

Are you filtering for casual observations too? If a photo takes a long time to upload the observation will be Needs ID instead of casual. This can sometimes take weeks, or a user realizes it and pushes it through after a while.

It could be, at least in some cases.

I think it happens when something was withdrawn in DQA or id deleted.

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