What am I missing? I don’t see where the “maverick” ID (the first ID) is a disagreement with any of the other remaining IDs in this observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/33164299 And shouldn’t that ID be the name at the top of the observation now? Thanks.
The tribe selection was voted in opposition to the genus vote. Then people agreed to the tribe.
Scratch that. The genus is in a different tribe:Calpodini, than the tribe with 3 votes.
The family, sub-family, and tribe of similar names was throwing my thinking off.
Thanks, @clay_s. I’m glad I asked, because I don’t think I would have ever figured it out. I would have if under the first ID it said “a member of tribe Calpodini.” Now it will be easier for me the next time something similar comes up.
I was at the same placed to start.
Then I click [About] under “Community Taxon”
and scrolled almost to the bottom. The chart showed me were the disagreement started, so I figured out what to look at.
Thanks again. I knew about the chart, but it didn’t occur to me this time.
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