You know you're seriously into iNat when

…You start to notice the resemblance between a squeegee and plume moths whenever you walk by your shower.
…You smell a skunk and, against all logic, you want to find a way to post the smell to iNaturalist.
…You’re at risk of being hit by a mountain biker whenever you go into the woods because you’re always seeing something interesting on the side of the trail.


How did you manage to do that? I could go galore, lol.


I haven’t (yet)…I could definitely go nuts with additional sensory options on iNat too. It might not be useful in every instance but there are definitely some species where it would be helpful for ID.


Lol. I’ll give a whole lot of praise to whoever can figure out how to make a phone smell something and send it to others. Might be a bit of a fantasy, lol.


,you spy a dung beetle on a fresh dog poop and pick it up to get a better photo (


You spend hours and hours over the course of three years making a spreadsheet to meticulously track your observations, and species to see if your making more observations than last year or to track the difficulty in finding a new species for you.


…when you realize explaining the app is easier if you use the phrase “it’s like real life Pokemon GO.”


It would need to have some kind of content warning, or work like sound recordings that must be clicked to play. I see the potential here (especially for nicer scents), but I don’t want to open an Observation and smell skunk, unwarned.


Lol, yeah, that might be a problem.

you spy a dung beetle on recent white-tailed deer poop and almost picked it up with your bare hands but only didn’t because your hands were full then the beetle left before you could ditch the stuff. You’re glad you’re not alone. What these dung beetles must think of us!


… you are seriously considering abandon your career to become a wildlife photographer.


welcome to the forum!


Thanks! i don’t know why i didn’t join before, it seems i’ve been missing a lot!


I should rephrase. I take on the opportunity while I’m being bitten to take photos. Tick’s bite was unintentional, discovered after arriving home from a long day at Van Cortlandt Park, years ago, long before I ever heard of iNat. Tick was healthy and didn’t gorge on my blood. Went to ER to have it removed.


I should rephrase. I take on the opportunity while I’m being bitten to take photos. Tick’s bite was unintentional, discovered after arriving home from a long day at Van Cortlandt Park, years ago, long before I ever heard of iNat. Tick was healthy and didn’t gorge on my blood. Went to ER to have it removed.


There couldn’t be a better timing for your reply! :laughing: Sunday, I rubbed the back of my neck and felt a bump and I pulled out a tick body. Now I’m waiting for the new membrane to develop so I can have someone who can see my neck remove it. As much as I’m terrified of ticks, I can’t wait to iNat it.

Side note, don’t worry I won’t die from it, I live quite a ways from tick populations that might carry lyme disease or other harmful diseases.


OMG! Please, let me know when you post. Can’t wait to see.

Had same experience. Felt a bump in my fore arm. Tried to pull it, ran cold, then hot water to no avail. Tick was surgically removed. No infection, no death, never felt a thing.

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lol same! Felt behind my ear after a long day with tons of ticks everywhere and there was a bump! Pulled it off and it started wandering on the palm of my hand (it did eventually get squished, but unfortunately I hadn’t been doing iNat at the time, what a waste of a tick!).


Would you upload mosquito cloud observations, audio/visual? Love to see/hear that.

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Maybe they will invent a cellphone with a gas chromatograph just so INaters can upload the volatile profile of their plants and critters.