Check the previous year, no matter how you vote winners are chosen only by two people, so participate, but it’s not an iNat competition.
Understood. But still, what’s the point of the participants voting then?
(Says the guy who never really understood popularity math.)
Well otherwise it means making about 50 different polls and that would take hours to make and hours to go through them all for voting.
This is the best way I could come up with, but if you can think of a better idea please let me know
Everyone is allowed to vote
No, there is no prize
Red-footed cannibal fly (Promachus rufipes)
Common Eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens)
Honey bee (Apis mellifera)
After seeing the amazing photos entered I officially concede.
New Dart Vader attire - Parthenice Tiger Moth
Am so sexy it hurt - Bad Wing Moth
Love is in the air, then dinner - Goldenrod Crab Spiders
For some reason, the links I added to my photos don’t work. What am I doing wrong?
For some reason those aren’t the observation links (observation numbers are not accurate). For example, this is the link to cannibal fly: (note digits at the end of url)
Well, we still want to see your pictures!
Thank you. I used the photograph number, not the observation number. The only way I could find the observation number was to go to the edit module - not the most obvious place for it. Is there a way I can edit the text under my photos without re-uploading the entire thing?
Edit: Never mind. Figured it out.
Your photi number is shown if you click (i) under them on observation page.
Yes, but the url needs the observation number, not the photo number.
There’re URLs for both., so if you want to show photo only (people can get from it to the observation), you can.
@korvo these are both so, so good! I cannot wait to see what titles you give them!
Welcome to the forum!